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be held until she had the oppo mity to appear before the CPC because information may change. IVIS. <br /> Laurent will be invited to attend the Planning Board's December 3 meeting. <br /> Housing Authority—Mashpee blousing Assistance Program- $330,000--Ms. Waygan <br /> described the program to include support over the next 3 gears for-no more 2 year rental <br /> assistance, loans for 1'hast rent, loans against mortgage payments along with counseling and bminimg. <br /> The CPC intended to support the request as it would fall under the Town's affordable housing goals <br /> and would work to keep residents housed. The Board of Selectmen had questions regarding the funds <br /> which have been addressed by two members of the CPC and the MHA. <br /> Habit f fer Humanity— 108 Orchard ltd& 132 Quinaquisset Ave houses <br /> 100.,00"50,000 for each home would help to subsidize the construction casts of typical <br /> Habitat homes. There was also discussion about the need to pave tfie roadway. Ms. waygan <br /> noted that the amount had h rased from$25,000 per home in previous gears. <br /> MOTION: fir, BaLzarini made a motion to recommend the two housing applications. Mr. <br /> Out Ings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Environmental oversight Committee-A hearing took place t the Carpe Cod Commission on <br /> November 13 and,despite opposition to the bylaw,the meawm passed 14-0 and had been forwarded to <br /> the Attorney General for review. Additionally, the EOC would be looking at the educational <br /> component of supporting the bylaw,with the hope of distributing information prior to the spring. The <br /> Chir also reported that the Orleans DCPC fertilizer bylaw-would also be considered by the Cape Cod <br /> Commission on December 4. <br /> Historic District Commission-No update <br /> New Business <br /> Joint Meeting with Selectmen on December 1 to Elect Associate Member-The meeting will <br /> be at 7:25 p.m. on December 1. iris. waygan has a►work commitment and may be unable to attend. <br /> indchbne tree inspection scheduled for 9 am Saturday November22-Mr. Pudala reported <br /> that photos had been requested, but not yet received. <br /> WATERWAYS LICENSE <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> 1D NT <br /> MOTION Mr.Bani made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All <br /> voted unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> ] er M. Clifo <br /> Secretary <br /> LIST OF DOCUMENTS <br /> -BOS Joint Pla.nning-Board Meeting Agenda <br /> 2 <br />