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Rowley suggested the possibility of completing the section of road between South Sandwich <br /> Load and Balfour. Mr. Fudala confirmed that Balfour had been completed by a developer. Mr. <br /> Ceclno inquired about the approximate square.footage in order to determine cost. Vice Chair <br /> waygan suggested Mr. Rowley review the area. Board members suggested 25%of what <br /> remained to complete Silver Leaf. Mr. Rowley ley suggested a rough calculation of approximately <br /> 400 feet and recommended completing South Sandwich Road to just beyond.Balfour. Mr. <br /> Fudala emphasized that it would not be a neat process because development occurred piecemeal. <br /> The Vice Chair inquired about the condition ofFox Hill to Silver Leaf Road. MT. Rowley <br /> confirmed that Fox Hill was in good shape up to 467, the Habitat house_ Board members <br /> expressed concern regarding the possibility of an undue burden on the homeowner. 11r. Rowley <br /> agreed'to review the site and will return with a report. W. Rowley will copy Mr. Cecino. Mr. <br /> Fudala pointed out that there: may be drainage structures involved. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING <br /> 7:10 Applicant: Stuart Bornstein, dba Cape Cod Custom Car~Storage, .0 <br /> Location: 104 Falmouth load <br /> Request: Special Permit Modification under the provisions of Section 174-24.11. to <br /> add "Sale or rental of automobiles, boats and other motor vehicles and accessory <br /> storage"'as listed under Section 174-2 # . of the Zoning By-law to the uses <br /> permitted under the Special Permit previously approved ror the property. <br /> (Continuid from November 5, 2014 <br /> The public hearing was opened at "7:10 p. . and the public notice was read for the record. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Bal ar ini made a motion to continue the public hearing until 7:30 p.m. <br /> Mr. I oohar ian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Public Nearing was reopened at 7.30 p.m. The Board wished to continue the hearing further <br /> in the event that the Chair could arfive at the-meeting and the project proponent agreed. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal ar-ini made a motion to continue the public hearing to 7:45 p.m. Mr. <br /> Iooharian seconded the notion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The public hearing was reopened of T-50 p.m- fir. Fudala stated that the Chair had sent an email <br /> indicating that he would support continuing the public hearing to the next Planning Board <br /> meeting. Mr. Baarini agreed, as did the project proponent. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bail arinl made a motion to continue the public hearing for Stu Bornstein <br /> to January 7 at 7:20 p.m. Mr.Koobarian seconded the motion. AD voted unanimously. <br /> SPECIAL PERMITS <br /> .Deport on November 29 Tree Inspection & Recommendations Regarding Tree <br /> Removal at Windchime Point Condo-The Nice Chair reported that she and Mr. Fudala <br /> completed the walk through and drafted a report. All trees requested for removal were <br /> authorized due to the trees being dead or infested and dying. An additional tree was top heavy <br /> 2 <br />