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i <br /> hp <br /> df-* #rte.ti�S Town of Mas a e <br /> s <br /> - 16 GreatNeck Road North <br /> BEEC' Mashpee, Massachusetts 02 649 <br /> BOARD of HEALTH PUBLIC SESSION <br /> Minutes of the Meeting of January 8, 2014 <br /> Board Members Present: Also Present: <br /> Kalliope Egloff, Chair Glen Harrington, Health Agent <br /> Lucy Barton, Co-Chair <br /> Burton Kaplan, Clerk <br /> Chair I alliope Egloff called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. <br /> APPOINTMENTS <br /> :1PM —John and Debra Landsied l — Title V and Local BOH Violations— X12 Monomoscoy Road West <br /> John Slavinksy of Cape and Islands Engineering, representing John and Debra Land iedel of 12 Monomoscoy <br /> Road Vilest, introduced himself to the Board. <br /> Glen Harrington stated that the compliance for 21 Monomoscoy Road West t vas initiated for the previous <br /> owner , the Codair' . Evidence was provided that shored the Codair's relinquished their responsibility to <br /> inspect and repair the septic to the buyers, the Land iedel' , via the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Mr. <br /> Harrington has portions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement that deal with the relinquishing of the <br /> requirements for inspection, and the signed pages from the buyer accepting responsibility for the septic. <br /> Mr. Harrington has spoken to Mr. Larnd iedel and his attorney, Bernie Kilroy. Mr. Land iedel had someone <br /> inspect the cesspool prior to the sale but does not remember the individual. Mr. Land iedel claimed that he <br /> was never informed about a cesspool variance or enforceable agreement. <br /> The property closed on May 2 , 2013; the perk was performed on September 19, 2013; the final plans were <br /> received by the Board of Health on November '13, 2013; and revised plans were submitted on December 20, <br /> 2013, after staff comments. <br /> Lucy Burton made a motion that the Board of Health fine the current owners of 12 Monomoscoy Toad West, <br /> the Land iedel' , $500. 2 0 for the Title V Violation and $250 for not requesting the Variance and Enforceable <br /> Agreement. Burton Kaplan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> 7:20 PM —Thomas Analett —Title V Violations — 52 Quaker Run Road. <br /> Glen Harrington started that the operations and Maintenance Contract has been provided to the Board of <br /> Health by Thomas Anletto. <br /> NEIN BUSINESS <br /> 1. sign Expense Warrants. The Burd members signed the expense Tarrant . <br /> 2. Review/Approve BOH Public session Minutes: December 11, 2013. <br /> Burton Kaplan made a motion that the Board of Health approve the Public Session minutes of December 11, <br /> 2013, as amended. Luer Burton seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. . <br /> a <br />