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• a <br /> (Old Business. Update on Sub-Committees, nt'd <br /> September, 30-minute shows highlighting various aspects of the services offered by MHS could be <br /> produced. Amy Dairies offers free training to interested committee members in the Various aspects <br /> f production. When the studio is fully equipped, it will be possible for MHS shows/videos to be <br /> aged on channel 99 (cable TV) and Channel 18, the Mashpee government channel that does not <br /> require cable hookup.up. Manic Walf rd volunteered to come up with some 1 #second spots for <br /> Channel 99 to get the ball rolling, and stated that suggestions from committee members would be <br /> most welcome. <br /> Mary Scanlan suggested another possible good resource, stating that there are some good <br /> programs on ludic Station WCAI in Woods Hole, that seem receptive to having individuals tali <br /> about community issues. <br /> Gail Wilson reported that Joyce Mason was very receptive to the request to make the MHS website <br /> more user friendly. Ms. Wilson asked for ideas on ways to improve the website. Emergency phone <br /> numbers was an immediate suggestion made by Gail Wilson. <br /> 2. Volunteer sub-Commi to . Lynne aterman stated that she would be reviewing the tax <br /> abatement volunteer program this summer for the following year, but at this time she is not able to <br /> confirm any new volunteer assignments. Ms. Waterman assured Gail Wilson that her request for a <br /> volunteer for the coming year would be honored, and urged her to submit her application. John <br /> Cahalane stated that he would check into the possibility of authorization by the Board of Selectmen <br /> for ars additional tax abatement volunteer for the Herman Services Committee. <br /> B. llashpee Human services By-Laws update <br /> Fruth Elias stated that the Town clerk's office needs to be contacted to request updated by- <br /> laws for the MHS, including the objectives of the Human services Committee. The composition of <br /> the committee membership needs to be examined. John Cahalane stated that he would inquire at <br /> Town Clerk's office for an up-to-date version of the bar-laws for the committee. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Human services Coordinator's Report <br /> rt <br /> Gall Wilson distributed copies of her monthly coordinator's Report, highlighting the following: <br /> 1. The Hunan services Council Meeting was held on 711012013 at the Mashpee Human <br /> Services office. One of the attendees took notes on the meeting, copies of which are <br /> attached to the Coordinator's monthly report. <br /> . prescription Drug Abuse lire —held at the lashpee Senior Center, sponsored b <br /> iashpee Triad, the Mash Police Department, the Barnstable County sheriff's office. The <br /> forum was well attended. <br /> I Aids support Group. The group meets at F=almouth Human Services offices, is currently <br /> seeing I lashpee clients, and has requested that Gail Wilson assist theta in finding office <br /> space in l lashpee. The Community Health Center in Mashpee was suggested ars a <br /> possibility for the gaup. The Aids Support Group is one of the MHS contractors. <br /> . Meeting with Joyce Mason. Gail Wilson reported discussing the school's Truancy <br /> Prevention Program continuing request for the MHS support. Ms. Mason felt that Gail <br /> Wilson's involvement in the school truancy prevention program was beyond her job <br /> description. Ms. Mason has stated her hope that the position of a school Resource Officer <br /> (SRO) would be approved to work with the three I lashpee schools during the coming <br /> school year. The SRO would be a police officer assigned by the Police chief. <br /> 2 <br />