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Vote on Public Hearing Date and Time for Road Naming of Willow Park Townhomes-Mr. <br /> Lehrer stated that January 2 would be the earliest date available to provide adequate notice and that the <br /> matter was a request from the 911 Coordinator. Mr. Lehrer had not yet received a formal proposal. <br /> The Chair suggested review of the request on January 16th at T 10 p.m. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to schedule a Public Hearing on the Road Naming of <br /> Willow Park Townhomes on January 16, 20x9 at 7:10 pm. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. <br /> All voted unanimously. <br /> C. Rowley Billing for November 2018 Services-An invoice was received in the amount of$845 for <br /> November services. The Chair inquired about the budget for consulting services. Mr. Rowley <br /> responded that he had been busy for some portions of the year and less busy at other parts of the year. <br /> Mr. Rowley anticipated that January would be quieter due to lessened construction. Mr. Lehrer <br /> confirmed that Planning Board expenses totaled 60.3% of the total annual budget. . <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to approve payment of$845 to Charles Rowley. Mr. <br /> Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Request for Release of Funds Held in Escrow, 33 Trinity Place-The Chair reported that a <br /> letter had been received from Conrad Geyser regarding road construction for Trinity Place, confirming <br /> that it had been completed per the requirements of the Planning Board. There was consensus to <br /> request Mr. Rowley complete an inspection. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to send Mr.Rowley to conduct an inspection. Mr. <br /> Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Discussion of Request to Make a Minor Modification to a Special Permit for a Shared <br /> Driveway at 659, 673 and 687 Main Street Originally Issued to Brett Field and Z&J Realty Trust <br /> on August 6,2010 and Recorded in Book 24822 Page 220 at the Barnstable County Registry of <br /> Deeds and Vote to Determine if the Request Qualifies as a Minor Modification-The Chair read the <br /> request. John Jordan, 673 Main Street owner and resident of 659.Main Street, reported that he <br /> removed trees on both sides, resulting in a washout, but was awaiting the building permit to begin <br /> construction of the new home ahead of the cold weather, requesting to address drainage concerns at the <br /> end of the project. <br /> W. Rowley reported that he had inspected the existing road from Route 130_ to the driveway located at. <br /> the current house. Mr. Rowley confirmed that the first portion was 20 feet, but the edges could be <br /> better dressed to result in a complete 20 feet. There was a good shoulder on the left side. At the base <br /> of the hill, the roadway narrowed and required additional material and widening and could be raised to <br /> address puddling and prevent flooding of the common driveway. The current material was in good <br /> condition. There was little erosion, but boundaries were not clear between the first and second lots. <br /> The lot has been cleared. W. Jordan requested an exception to address outstanding issues at the time <br /> of acquiring an occupancy permit. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that the matter was a Minor Modification as long as <br /> the project proponent consulted with Mr. Rowley.. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All <br /> approved unanimously. <br /> 2 <br />