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Renorts kontined <br /> CLAMS 1lebrship rt <br /> As detailed in Kathy"s writt n report,a Ma tepee Selectmen vice Chair last signed the agreement in 1997. <br /> According to the agreement, it will keep renewing automatically. In reviewing the matter,Town Counsel <br /> advised that the Library Board of Trustees is the contracting authority for the Library. There was no Ton <br /> Charter in 1997. <br /> Pat Oamache said this situation again raises the issue that the Trustees should meet with Town Counsel Pat <br /> Costello to understand Trustee role, such as being the contracting authority. Pat Ga a he will.ask Joyce Mimon <br /> to contact Pat Costello to request he meet with Sandra Lahart,Jack Kowalski,and Pat Oamach . <br /> The Trustees agreed to sign the CLAMS Membership Agreement renewal noir and Terrie Cook suggested that <br /> each year the Trustees sign renewal,even though it'renews automatically, The Trustees intend to do this. <br /> Motion: Sandra Lahart motioned the Trustees to approve and sign the Participating Membership Agreement for <br /> provisions by CLAMS of Automated Library Services and to authorize the Trustee Chairman to sign on behalf <br /> of the Trustees. <br /> Motion was seconded by Carlo "Este. <br /> 'COTE; ''es- , Mary LeClair not present for the vote. <br /> Roll Call Vote: Chip Bishop,yes Sandra Lahart,yes <br /> John Kowalski,yes Carlo D"Este,yes <br /> Sue McGarry,yes Patricia Garnache,yes <br /> M n qm study <br /> .�^. <br /> Kathy reported that the Management Study is being finalized. Ruth Kowa.l will semi the report to the.Trustees <br /> within a day or so, Then Ruth Kowal will cone to do a presentation at a Special Meeting of the Trustees,which <br /> will be held in an afternoon timeframe. On the same date,Ruth Ko al will do an evening presentation to the <br /> Board of Selectmen and FinCom meeting. <br /> W hsite <br /> In discussing the concerns raised by the Assistant Torn Manager to the Library plan to develop an independent <br /> website,Terrie Cook cautioned that the Library be careful because the schools are having problems being <br /> independent. She said the Recreation Department uses an indepeiident source and has been successful. <br /> Chip Bishop said the intent was to have a joint website with the Friends and the Library. Following discussion, <br /> the Trustees agreed to continue to explore independent website and also to explore costs that would be involved <br /> before pursuing Further. <br /> Town Meetn <br /> Town l eetmg is Monday,October 21 Library Trustee Article is on the warrant. The money requested to be <br /> Placed in a revolving account is generated from fines paid by patrons and would be spent on buying more boos; <br /> services,and programs for the Library. <br /> 2 <br />