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cover and noted that the retractable awning included gutters. The fire pit would not be used for <br /> cooking. flair. Lorrain stated that the Special Permit had been modified a number of dines and <br /> that the request had been approved by theDesign/Site Plan Review Committee. It was expected <br /> that the exterior would be utilized April to October. Mr. Corrain will also be presenting to the <br /> Board of Selectmen regarding their liquor license. Mr. 1 alzarini inquired about the Fire <br /> Department response and lir. Fudala confirmed that they were part of the Plan Review <br /> Committee. At this time, no changes were expected regarding the signs but Mr. l iitrokostas <br /> indicated that he would return to the Planning Board should a sign be necessary. Mr. Fudala <br /> summan ed recommendations from csign Plan review and read for the record the conditions <br /> highlighted in Special Pei-, it Modification V. There was discussion regarding the shopping <br /> center's septic system being at capacity and Mr. Mitrokostas reported that he would close 2 <br /> seats-inside of his restaurant to allow use of the seating.outside, maintaining his capacity of 222 <br /> seats. There was discussion regarding the wording in the second condition and it was determined <br /> that"so that" be removed. <br /> MOTION:, lir. I ooharian made a motion to accept the plan for the outdoor suing as <br /> amended in Special Permit Modification '7. Mr. rini seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> The plans were signed by Chairman waygan and the permit signed by Planning Board members. <br /> Nor. Mtro ostas described the awning as able to sustain hurricane strength winds, carry the <br /> weight of 3 feet of snow and included gutters on the mcure. Mr. Nfitrokosta offered t <br /> provide an -built plan of the shopping center to the Town. <br /> Applicant: Southport on Cape Cod Condo mi ium Association, Inc. <br /> Location: Southport <br /> Request: Modification of special permit site plans regarding activity center parking lot <br /> expansion <br /> Southport has requested a postponement. <br /> APP O VAIN T-REiii <br /> Applicant: Paul T'raiannopoulos and Cape Cod Camp Corporation <br /> Location- 593 Nfa Street and 0 Baker's road, Assessors' llriap 20, Parcels 2 and 3C <br /> Request: -lot plan to move property line <br /> The Chair read for the record the request. As a member of the Camp Farley Board, Mr. <br /> Koharian recused f himself from consideration of the request. There was discussion regarding <br /> the availability of a signature on the application authorising the movement of the property-line. <br /> 11r. Fudala recommended that the plan be reviewed and signed, pending a second signature from <br /> the authorized agent of the Cape Cod Dnp Corporation. Mr. Fudala will hold the plans. <br /> Planning Board members were in support of Mr. udala's recommendation. Tom Bunker stated <br /> that the property was located at 593 Main Street and owned by Paul Tragiannopoulos. Cape Cod <br /> Camp Corporation, owners of Parol C-3, has agreed-to sell 2 feet of land to Mr. <br /> Tragiannopoulo . The parcel is 150 foot long and 2_feet wide, and will be)abeled Parcel A and <br /> conveyed to Mr. Tragiannopoulos on Lot 2. It was noted that it was a setback issue. <br /> 2 <br />