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4 <br /> r <br /> Applicant: Windchime Point Condominium <br /> Request: Permission to remove three trees,located between 18 and 24 Blue Spruce, <br /> at 81 Blue Spruce-and near clubhouse. <br /> A site visit needed to be scheduled to grant permission for the removal of three-trees. The site <br /> visit must include either the Chair of vice Chair of the Planning-Bozird and either Mr. Fudala or <br /> Mr. Rowley. June 15 at 11:45 a.m. was identified as the date of the site visit. <br /> DE SUBD"ION PLANS . <br /> Applicant: Southworth 1lnshpee Properties,ILC <br /> Location: Simons Road Pin' Me oot Willo bend Drive <br /> Request: Signature of defimitive subdivision plan modification approved 5/15/13 <br /> Planning Board members signed the plans. <br /> Applicant: Bayswater seaside M ITC Bayswater Development,LLC <br /> Location: 108- 116 shore Drive West,,Assessor ' Map 132,Blocks 7,8, 10, 11 & 38 <br /> Request: Signature of Definitive Plan for 17 lot"Oceanfront" subdr*vu* ion approved <br /> 5115113 and approval of proposed cash performance guarantee amount <br /> Mr. Fudala referenced the proposed amount reco mended for the cash performance-guarantee. <br /> Construction.costs totaled 1,843, multiplied by 150%for a hand amount of$422,773.5 . Mr. <br /> Rowley reviewed the contractor's list and noted that the binder thickness was 2 inches but the <br /> plan stated that,it was 2 '4 inches, requiring an adjustment, but Mr. Rowley did not would <br /> make a significant difference. Mr. Rowley y recommended following-up with the-contractor. Joe <br /> Col suonno from Bayswater coed with the contractor that the binder was 2 '4 inches and <br /> was a typographical error. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Ba arini made a motion to ac pt the amount o $422,7+73.50 for the bond <br /> amount for the 17 I t oceanfront Subdueion. Mr.Koohseconded the motion. All <br /> voted unanimously. <br /> Planning Board members signed the plans. his. wagan inquired about the documentation <br /> regarding groundwater flow into Nantucket Sound. Mr. Colsuonno thought that the issue had <br /> been addressed at-the last meeting. Ms. Waygan stated that the motion regarding nutrient <br /> reduction had been amended requing that the project proponent show and support that the- <br /> groundwater-in--the <br /> hegroundw area would be discharging into Nantucket Sound. Mr. Fu d la stated that he <br /> could provide a.reap showing that the flow would be entering Nantucket Sound. <br /> Mr. fowler recommended that a two year time frame be identified for construction in an <br /> additional Grote. Mr. C.olasuonno staated that two Years had been identified to complete <br /> but that the bond could be extended. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a emotion to put a timeframe of two years to complete the. <br /> work on the cash security of$422,773.50. Mr. I oohari un B onded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> r <br /> 2 <br />