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� t <br /> tL39IPOTary,, unW the road was completed connecting it to the next intersection. Though it had <br /> been proposed to consftct a paved on the adjacent lot,the plan was not presently <br /> compliant and a mWe-sac may bac requhred. Air. Hackett rem nded that they had consulted with <br /> the Fire Department on-the site plan to allover sufficient turnaround space for their equipment. <br /> The Planning Board's plan included an easement that would allow the public to turn around on <br /> paged area as necessary. lir. Hackett pointed out that the area where the cul- - c would be <br /> located was mxrently forested and wished not to develop the area. lir. Hackett preferred to <br /> utilize an unimproved driveway at the rear of the site andewessed concern that developing a <br /> roadway could create a more heavily traveled area. Mr. Hackett s ated that they wished to <br /> develop a roadway for the nfinimum frontage of the co nercial business, and no more than <br /> necessary. Regarding the cul-de-sac, C ` Pette gmed that the turn-around area would <br /> be different from every other cul-de-sac in Mashpee mould require drivers to make <br /> assumptions about where to go. Mr. Fudala.sued that a one-lot precedent had been set using <br /> hammerhead in plane of a cul-de-sac. Mr. Koo an staggested that there should be a simpler <br /> option to consider for the occasional stray car. Mr_ Rowley concurred that there could be options <br /> by reviewing the full site plan-and emphasized that the submitted information was insufficient <br /> for the Board to make a final deslon. Chairman Petersen recommended that the applicant <br /> review Mr. Rowley's comments and update the plan. Mr- Hackett stated that he would be <br /> seeking a waiver for the ctd-de-sacaid rec nnnen ons from Mr. Rowley le regarding <br /> alternatives. Mr. Rowley recommended that the paved surflices located on the site plan be <br /> incorporated into the Planning Board's plan in order-for bin to make recom endad ons. Mr. <br /> Rowley recommended that the ppli r 's engineer contact him directly. <br /> Abutter John,Bartlett,of Sarnp ons NO Road, stated that he was supportive of a more minimal <br /> turn-around rather than a full cad-de-sac, cp 'zingizing that it was looted in an ecologically <br /> sensitive area with an abandoned cranberry bog. Additionally, Mr. Bartlett did not support <br /> allowing the road to cut through to Route 2 -it would become a more heavily utilized road. <br /> Mr. Bartlett also pointed out that the parcel was originally residential but had been converted to <br /> commercial, despite the residential areas and expressed concern regarding future owners and <br /> future plans for the road. Mr. Fudala responded that the pavement would end in front of the <br /> house and the dirt road would remain and be gated by the applicant, which would be on record as <br /> a condition of the Special Permit. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Ba arinl made a motion to cont ue the public hearing to Wednesday, <br /> October "d for 7:30 p.nL Nor.Koohariaa seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> 7:30 Applicant: BCDM,ILC <br /> Location: on and betwem Blue Casft Drive vegrass fid,identified on the <br /> Mashpee Assessors Haps as N[ap I K Bkwft 14,20 and 4 <br /> Request: Approval of.a Spial Permit for a 16 lot cluster subdivision (Continued <br /> from 8/21) <br /> 7:30 Applicant: BCDM,LLC <br /> Location: on-and b t em Bkm Cas&Drive and Degrass Road, identified on the <br /> M shp a Amessors Naps as Map 104,Bloch 14,20 and 4 <br />