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Planning Board Budget larrive. It was noted that funds-in the amount of$73652 were <br /> requested last year but$7,414 was removed. Mr. Fu d a indicated that assessment of <br /> .professional/technical fees from July to September would result in an anm total of$7,,630, and <br /> 1r. Fudala added that increased saMces from lair. Rowley may be necessary due to the <br /> upcoming assisted living project. A level service budget has been requested. It was noted that <br /> the amount received in Fees was typically greater than the professional/technical casts. Mr. <br /> Fudala pointed out that no additional funds had been spent though a bill had been received for <br /> the Planners web membership in the amount of$95. Based on the first three months of the <br /> fiscal year, Mr. Fudala projected a possible total of$6,870 for the year, but with upcoming <br /> hearings. It was suggested that $7,200 be requested for the professionaltechnical budget due to <br /> the anticipated projects. Nor. Fudala will develop a narrative to forward to Chairman Petersen. <br /> Ms. wargan will also review last year's narrative and forward comments by email. <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> Whitewater,Inc. —September 3013 S uthCape Village WW discharge report—N=5.8 <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. <br /> Respectfullyi1ord'tied, <br /> 'fer M. <br /> Hoard Secretary <br /> 2 <br />