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t <br /> Them was discussion regarding the need for a continuance, in order to alloy mer comment while <br /> the plan was being developed and since the waler quality report hid not yet been completed. <br /> MOTION: Ms.'la gan made a motion to continue both public hearings to December 4 at <br /> 7:10 p.m. Mr. Bal arini seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Isis. waygan noted that,besides posting the agenda,there would be no other public notices_ The <br /> Chair stated that the applicant was allowed to request continuances since certain deliverables were <br /> necessary and not yet complete. Audience members expressed concern about the applicant not <br /> adhering to a timeline and repeatedly requesting continuances. Concern was also expressed that the <br /> developer was not in attendance at any of the public hearings while the public continued to attend <br /> the meetm* gs. lir. Bal .acini expressed his belief that it was important for the developer to <br /> coffunumcate with the abutters. It was sued that there was no limit to allowing continuances and <br /> that the Planning Board traditionally allowed continuances, but also strongly encouraged plan <br /> proponents to address abutters' cones. <br /> 7:30 Applicant: Federal National Mertgag Asso "ation c/o Cotuit Solar LLC <br /> Location: 36 Savanna's Path Tri'ity Place <br /> Request: Approval of 1-lot definitive subdi ion plan and road designs(Continued from 11/6) <br /> The Chair read tire-request. Mr. Fustated that-no lemer requesting an extension had been received, and <br /> the applicant had not yet responded to Mr.Rowley"s lettcr linsr his comments. Mr. Fudala notod thaat the <br /> decision date would expire on January 4and that Dewnber 18 would be the last meeting before it expirod. <br /> Mr. Kohn reccrifly lcam d thaat they may bre ehartgrng engineer. Mr. Fuindicated that Mr. Hackler <br /> hid been advised to rein with his currm engineer when he inquired with another engineering firm. <br /> Chainnan Petersen referenced Mr.Rowley's three pages of commnrts and-reviews and inquired whether the <br /> application fee had covered the expo bei ng in cutre& Mr.Rowley .indi that he had comp f eted an <br /> ufit l review in August, but had n irved no rcsp 0 for approximately another month, at which time he <br /> attended a meeting to discuss the review. A revised set of plans was recently received,but previous issues <br /> discussed were not addressed on the revised plans. Mr.Fudala KURA Cuced an list ofwaiver requests. <br /> Mr. Rowley sled that he was inti fed with the plans for the wm-around but noted that the layout pian <br /> showing the-easement had not been included i n his e. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated#hast the applicant was seeping waivers fronn the following: See#ion 8 IQ, regarding the <br /> turnarounds Section 8B3. ng pavement width of 22 few Section 9D I requiring pavement thickness-of <br /> 2 inches-and Section -1 regarding a sidewaHc Mr.Fudala suggested nrmkinp a decision on the waivers <br /> prior to receiving-the engineering plate. Board members suggested iabout the waivers, but not <br /> voting on them without the project proponent present or plan being provided. Mr. Rhl=ini' suggested the <br /> possibility that decisions on the waivers may move the project along. Mr. Rowley recommended holding of <br /> on a Grote un ii being presented with the furl plan. Ek and n=nben were in agreement. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Beni made a motion to co ue the public hearing to member 4'b a <br /> 7:30 p.m. AI& Way g sanded the motion. AD voted unanimousty. <br /> SPECIAL PERMIT <br /> Applicant-. int Venwres,LLC <br /> Location: Great oak road South,east side,just north of .r lines Assessors Map 74, Blocks <br /> 7 and part of 17 <br /> Request: Withdraw Special Permit application for Northbridge assisted living facility <br />