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Location: On and between Blue Castle Drive and Degmss load, identified on the <br /> Mashpee ors Maps as Map 104,Blocks 14, 20 and 48 <br /> Request: Approve I64ot cluster subd'vision Definitive Subdivision Plan (Continued <br /> from 12/4) <br /> The appointed time having ramived, the Chair read for the record the-request and opened both <br /> public hearings. It was noted that two letters were received on December 18 from Batt Costa, <br /> representative of the-applicant,requesting to continue the public nearing for the Special Permit to <br /> February 5, 2014. The second letter requested an additional 60-day extension of the original <br /> 135-day time frame of the Ockway Highlands Definitive Plan decision time and in addition to <br /> the original 60-d.ay extension. lir. Fudala indicated that the extra 60 days would extend the <br /> clock to late March. Members were in agreement to grant the extension. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal atrini made a motion to agree to a 60 day extension. lir. Kooharian <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal arini made a motion to continue both public hearings to February 5, <br /> 2014 at 7:10 p.m. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> 7:30 Applicant: Federal National Mortgage Association do Cotuft Solar LLC <br /> Location: 36 savanna's Path Trinity Place <br /> Request: Approval of 14ot definitive subdiv ion plan and road designs (Continued <br /> from 12/4) <br /> The appointed time having arrived, the Chair read the request and opened the public meeting. <br /> request had been.received for a 6dy extension of time, extending it into lurch. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Brirni made a motion to agree to a 60 day extension for Cotuit Solar. <br /> Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION: I Ir. Brini made a motion to continue the public bearing to January 15, <br /> 2014 at +7:10 p.m. Mr. Kooh seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> BOAR SMS <br /> New Business <br /> Schedule"Bridges at M shp e" Special Permit Public Hearing-Mr. Fudala confirmed <br /> that National Development was seeking a public hearing for February 5, as their final hearing <br /> with the Cape Cod Commission would take place on January 2. Mr. Balzarini inquired about <br /> reference ton ANR and Mr. Fudala clarified that changing a subdivision street would require <br /> Definitive subdivision Public Hearing process. Members were in agreement. <br /> MOTION: Mr. BaLmn i made a motion to schedule the public hearings for Bridges of <br /> Mashpee for February 5, 2014 at 7:30 p.-m. Mr. Koobarian seconded the-motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> MOTION: Nor.B. rini made a motion to waive the review fee. Nor. Kooharian seconded <br /> the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> 2 <br />