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,f <br /> Mashnee Board of Sewer Commissioners <br /> Meeting mutes <br /> February 1 , 012 at 7 p1m. <br /> Mashpee Ton Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman Toni Fu ala, Maxk Gurnee, Joe Lyons, Oskar I lenert, Jack Malarkey <br /> Also Present: Paul Gobell-Sever Commission Administrator, Jeff'Gregg&Bill Hall-GHD, <br /> Selectman Torn O'Hara <br /> CALIF To ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Fudala. The Chair introduced Paul <br /> Gobell, the new Sewer Commission Administrator, who began work in December. <br /> APPROVAL OF TES November 151, 2011 <br /> Mr. Klenert Ornade a motion to approve the minutestof the November 15.thmeeting. Mr. <br /> Malarkey seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> GEND IT MS <br /> Presentation of GD Proposals for SRT' Scope of Work Changes <br /> Mr. Gregg summarized G 's request to reallocate the existing SRF budget in order to <br /> streamline the process while maintaining key elements of various scope.items, combir'ng them <br /> in different ways. Mr. Gregg requested that recommended plan tasks and Task 7 be combined <br /> with the Alternative Screening Process and DEIR and FOR or 8 B, C and D. The spreadsheet <br /> distributed to Commissioners identified the remaining budget with the estimated remaining <br /> Hours. The spreadsheet also included some costs related to working with outside tech services <br /> Mr. Gregg explained that GHD now needed to pull together the Alternative Screening Analysis <br /> Report, consisting of a number of already completed tasks, which would lay the groundwork for <br /> the recommended plan. Once wetted, and with feedback provided, the Screening Analysis Report <br /> would be considered part of the MEPA process and would become the basis for D IR or draft <br /> recommended plan, Which would also be vetted. Feedback and comments would thea be <br /> incorporated and finalized in order to create the Recommended Plan and Environmental Impact <br /> Report. <br /> Mr. I lenert inquired about how this request was related to the work completed so far. Mr. <br /> Gregg responded that once the options IA, 1 B and I C model runs had been completed and the <br /> data received,, a technical memo would be developed summarizing the results and whether the <br /> options the TSL targets. The information will become the backbone of the <br /> Alternative Screening Analysis and big picture costing will be used to evaluate the scenarios on a <br /> broader spectrum, as well as reviewing the non-monetary impacts. Chairman Fudala noted that <br /> the last version would also need to be run through the NffiP model. <br /> Mr. I lenert 'Inquired whether previous analysis had concluded what the town could afford. Mr. <br /> Gregg responded that the goal of the Recommended Plan was to identify a way to achieve the <br /> TMDLs. Chairman Fudala added that the intent was also to meet the target at the lowest possible <br /> cost, but allow the financial people to the plan would be financed. Mr. Gregg <br /> 1 - <br />