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r <br /> Mashpee Board of Sewer Commissioners <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15,2012 at 7 pIAm* <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman Torn Fudala, Joe Lyons,Mark Gurnee, Torn Burns, L. Glenn Santos <br /> Also Present: Paul obeli-Sewer Commission A Ministrator, Jeff Gregg-GHD, Pio Lombardo- <br /> Lombardo Associates, Ed Eichner&Brian Howes-SMaST,Rick York-Mashpee Shellfish <br /> Constable <br /> Absent: 'Oskar Klenert <br /> CALL To ORD . <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Fudala. New members, Toni Burns <br /> and L. Glenn Santos were welcomed to the Commission. lir. Burns stated that he was a 15 year <br /> resident of Mashpee and had been serving on the Community Advisory Committee for some <br /> time. Nor. Burns also had experience rnanagtng wastewater plants around Mashpee. Mr. Santos <br /> has been a resident of Mashpee for close to 30 years and has served on a number of committees, <br /> including the Board of Health and Natural Resources. Mr.Burns was recently retired and enjoys <br /> working in the community. <br /> APPROVAL of MINUTES May 22,2012 <br /> There was no quorum of the remaining ofiginal Commissioners and attendees of the May 22 <br /> minutes so approval will be tabled until the next meeting. <br /> AGNDA ITEMS <br /> SM ST Presentation <br /> Eck Eichner, Senior Water Scientist for SMaSTI and Brian Howes, Director ofthe Coastal <br /> Systems Program, were present to discuss SST's technical memo regarding the most recent <br /> scenarios. Summarizing the history,Mr. Eichner noted that an NIEP report was developed in <br /> 2004, establishing nitrogen thresholds for TM DLs in Popponesset Bay_ In 200 5,the NEP report <br /> for the eastern Wa uoit ponds was completed, establishing the thresholds for those systems. <br /> Fire scenarios were completed for lashpee in,2006 and TMDLS, based on the UEP report, <br /> were completed in 2007 and 2008, five in waluoit and five in Popponesset Bay. In 20095 <br /> additional scenarios were completed and the land use database was developed for all towns <br /> connected to the watershed. Five more wastewater scenarios were completed, with ten model <br /> runs for both estuary systems, utilirng the unified land use database. Mr. Gurnee inquired about <br /> the consideration of seasonal properties and Mr_ Eichner responded that an accurate <br /> representation of occupancy was derived from water use for the current propertie s'and also <br /> translated into buildout conditions. Mfr. Fudala added that buildout conditions for Mashpee were <br /> based on existing permits and zoning and completed by parcel. M-_ Gregg suggested that <br /> buildout utilized was town-by-town. Mr. Eichner continued that the current scenarios had been <br /> run and were based on buildout conditions from the unified database and on IVDP models. <br /> Mr. Eichner shared an image of the watersheds depicting Popponesset in red and waluoit i <br /> green, the shaded area of which depicted the eastern portion. Mr. Eichner noted that TMDLs <br /> were not yet established for the entire wauoit system because the report was still in process, but <br /> that figures were available for the eastern portion. In another slide, the scenario study area was <br /> I <br />