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11/15/2012 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
11/15/2012 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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Mr. Eichner pointed out that the TSL thresholds were met only in the areas of Great Little <br /> River, Quashnet River and Upper Waquoit Bay. Mr. Eichner suggested that the results were not <br /> surprising for parts of waquoit since it was shared between towns and nothing had been <br /> addressed in the Falmouth portion. Mr. Eichner indicated that they were somewhat surprised <br /> with some results of the watershed given the reductions provided by G , and.suggested that it <br /> could be due to changes in the Waquoit model that occurred with more accurate data. Mr. <br /> Gobell asked about ben hic loading in some areas causing the scenarios not to meet the <br /> thresholds and it was suggested that it was a possibility. Mr. Howes stated that a hest estimate <br /> was initially needed for Waquoit until more solid data was acquired, such as the integrated- <br /> system that determines the in#lowing water concentrations. Them was also discussion about <br /> water flushing and water column reduction. <br /> Chairman Fud al a suggested that Mr. Gregg assess the results in order to determine whether it <br /> would be worthwhile to consider New-Seabury. Mr. Gregg'indicated that he would work on a <br /> rainbow spreadsheet and follow up with SM ST. The Chair discussed a possible joint meeting to <br /> discuss the anal ysis presentation of the final Waquoit report, ensuring that it be televised and <br /> recorded. The December 20 Sewer Commission meeting will be.considered for the presentation. <br /> The Chair will follow up with Falmouth's Jerry Potamis, <br /> Shellfish Constable Presentation on Potential Shellfish Component of CWMP <br /> Mashpee tepee Shellfish Constable Rick York reported that shellfish aquaculture would not'solve the <br /> entire problem and advised that the Sever Commission must continue planning as if the shellfish <br /> component was not part of the planning as required by regulators. Nr. York recently attended <br /> an EPA/Cape Cod Commission water as <br /> hosted event regarding waste water'Treatment <br /> and options. During the event,theEPA/DEP started that shellfish programs could be included in <br /> waste water treatment planrning, but that a Flan B was necessary. Mr. York noted that Falmouth <br /> had written shellfish into their CWW as an option,-but the regulators have required that <br /> conventional treatment be incorporated into their plan. Mr. Park referenced a proposed-draft of <br /> the proposed CU.W for consideration by'the Sever Commission. <br /> Mr. York indicated that shellfish operations were a collaboration among the Ton, the <br /> vamp noag Tribe and S a ST. Mr. York translated the MEP reports into tons of nitrogen per <br /> year and its relation to shellfish, figuring the entire load necessary for removal from Popponesset <br /> et <br /> and Waquoit to be 29.4 tons of nitrogen per year in order to meet the TNIDLs. The Mashpee <br /> removal was estimated at 18 tons, 9 tons in Popponesset and 9 tons in Waquoit. The <br /> Popponesset total load was 33.6 with a removal of 11.4 tons per year, with Mashpee responsible <br /> for 9 tons, and Mashpee River responsible for 5 tons of estrogen. The Waquoit total load was 3 <br /> tons of nitrogen per year and the TMDL had been estimated at 18 tons of nitrogen per year, with <br /> Mashpee's portion identified as 9 tons per year. Mr_ York explained the specific goals needing <br /> to be met in particular areas, in order to meet the TMDL. <br /> r <br /> Mr-. York explained that there were areas where shellfish could be used and areas where they <br /> could not be used. The Quashnet River could not be used for shellfish due to bacteria counts but <br /> the Jehufflamblin pond areas have histori <br />
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