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Example where there is no violation : A fire truck manufacturer offers to pay the travel <br /> expenses of a fire chief to a trade show where the chief can examine various kinds of fire- <br /> fighting equipment that the town may purchase. The chief fills out a disclosure form and <br /> obtains prior approval from his appointing authority. <br /> Example where there is no violation : A town treasurer attends a two-day annual school <br /> featuring multiple substantive seminars on issues relevant to treasurers. The annual <br /> school is paid for in part by banks that do business with town treasurers. The treasurer is <br /> only required to make a disclosure if one of the sponsoring banks has official business <br /> before her in the six months before or after the annual school. <br /> (c) Misuse of position. Using your official position to get something you are not <br /> entitled to, or to get someone else something they are not entitled to, is prohibited. <br /> Causing someone else to do these things is also prohibited. (See Sections 23(b)(2) <br /> and 26) <br /> A municipal employee may not use her official position to get something worth $50 or <br /> more that would not be properly available to other similarly situated individuals. <br /> Similarly, a municipal employee may not use her official position to get something worth <br /> $50 or more for someone else that would not be properly available to other similarly <br /> situated individuals. Causing someone else to do these things is also prohibited. <br /> Example of violation : A full-time town employee writes a novel on work time, using her <br /> office computer, and directing her secretary to proofread the draft. <br /> Example of violation : A city councilor directs subordinates to drive the councilor's wife <br /> to and from the grocery store. <br /> Example of violation : A mayor avoids a speeding ticket by asking the police officer who <br /> stops him, "Do you know who I am?" and showing his municipal I.D. <br /> (d) Self-dealing and nepotism. Participating as a municipal employee in a matter in <br /> which you,your immediate family, your business organization, or your future <br /> employer has a financial interest is prohibited. (See Section 19) <br /> A municipal employee may not participate in any particular matter in which he or a <br />