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MASHP E ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 7, 2011 <br /> Present: Bob Walsh, Robyn Simmons, Terrle Cook, Mary LeClair, Bob Cobuzzi (via telephone) <br /> Also: Bill Newton,,Assis. Town Planner, Mile Richardson (Selectman) <br /> Bob Walsh, Acting Chair, opened the meeting at 6PM, Rrn 2. <br /> The Minutes ofNovember 29, 2010 were moved by Mary, seconded by Robyn, and approved <br /> unanimously by roll call vote. <br /> Bob expressed appyeciation to Terrie Cook for her work toward collaboration with Falmouth t <br /> attain grant awards. Much appreciation to Michael Galasso of Falmouth for his help in this <br /> effort. A $40,000 grant under Falmouth Technical Services is in the works. Falmouth will <br /> accept the award since they have an account. Perhaps we can work together to acquire a <br /> Consultant for a half year to work on a direction to pursue. <br /> Michael Hunter sent a summary of the Legislative Grants under the Regional Economic <br /> Development Office. We plan to look into these as well as CCC grants that will be directed_ <br /> toward a broader community to include not only Falmouth, but perhaps Bourne and Sandwic _ <br /> Paul l iedzwicl i can give us some direction. Bob Walsh will contact Paul Nl'ed wicl i to set up a <br /> meeting before March-12th. <br /> Bill Newton commented that E iC needs someone to carry actions forward. 1 la.shpee,has 1,1 <br /> acres ofavailable land. There are toils M_place, but no budget. This is a decision for the Town <br /> to.make, beginning with the Finance,Committee, FDIC has the ability to act as the agent for the <br /> {Town. We might be able to change the zoning to a tax-incremental project district (TIP) to stir <br /> interest. We need a land use policy approved by the Town Planner and an LI 1C. Director, <br /> ideally. At present, there is no plan, and no staff peron. <br /> Terrie noted there is a Falmouth ERIC meeting tomorrow morning. <br /> Them is interest from Warren Brady, a lawyer, in becoming a member of our FDIC . Bob <br /> suggested he write a letter of interest and forward to him. <br /> 7 <br /> Terrie suggested updating the FDIC web page. Please visit the situ and email input to Terrie. <br /> i <br /> She will follow it up. <br /> Next meeting: Monday, March 71h. Terrie moved to adjourn, Robyn seconded, and unanimous <br /> agreement by roll call vote. <br /> M1 _ <br /> Mary Gelsthorpe, Recording Secretary <br />