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r t <br /> C. The Town reserves the right to request additional information at a later date, <br /> should a proposal reach the state of final evaluation. <br /> D. The Town reserves the right to delay consideration of propo al s, or reject any or <br /> all proposals for any reason if the circumstances, ire his opinion, so dictate and it is <br /> in the public interest to do so. <br /> B. Project schedule <br /> It is anticipated that the term of service shall commence immediately upon a contract award and <br /> shall continue until all e pee ed work has becri completed no latter-than November 15, 2011. The <br /> successful consultant team, firm, or individual should be prepared to execute a contract agreement <br /> and commence work immediately upon selection. <br /> C. General provisions <br /> While the Town has not established specific affirmative action firing goals for this contract, <br /> consideration will be given in the evaluation process for those proposals including participation by <br /> disadvantaged groups, including certified s. <br /> The Town of Mashpec, as the procurement agent for this regional project, reserves the right to <br /> r <br /> reject any or all proposals or parts of proposals, waive informalities, and to award contracts as <br /> may be in the best interest of the Town. <br /> Pre-award rd negotiations may be conducted. <br /> All proposals sh ll become the property of the Towns ofMashpee and Falmouth. <br /> The individual/proposer selected shall be expected to comply with all applicable federal and state <br /> lags in its performance of service. <br /> Unless specifically prohibited'by the bidder-, the Tovm has the iright to disclose information <br /> contained in the proposals. <br /> The selection of the successful proposer shah be made without regard to race, color, sex, age, <br /> sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation or national origin. <br /> All contracts resulting from this Request for Proposals and Qualifications may be subject t <br /> review and approval by Barnstable County and the Cape Cod Commission. <br /> Proposers should direct any questions regarding this Request for ProposalsQualcations, the <br /> Proposal itself, including Part A-Nom Pr p l and Vwt B - Proposal to, Joyce <br /> Mason, Town Manager, .l ashpee Torn Hall, 16 Great Neck Road North, l lashpee, NIA 02649 <br /> or by -mail to <br />