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t <br /> There was no public comment about the proposed amendments. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to approve the proposed Subdivision Regulation <br /> Amendments 3-2-11 effective at Town Meeting if the zoning amendment article passes. <br /> Mr. Mullin seconded the motion. Ail voted unanimously. <br /> 7:20Applicant: Windchime Condominium Frust,c/o Marion Baiter <br /> Location: Windchime Point Condominium, Great Neck Road South <br /> Request: Modification oCspecial permit to specify a process for approval, on behalf <br /> of the Planning Board, of removals of dead,diseased or otherwise hazardous trees. <br /> The appointed time having arrived, the Chair reconvened the public hearing for Windchime <br /> Condonminium Trust and read for the record the public hearing notice. The hearing was <br /> continued from February 16, 2011. -Mr. Fudala provided Board members with the proposed <br /> decision that describes the trees identified for removal., and tree replacements, as well the <br /> establishment of a tree removal process. <br /> The Chair confwmed that the proposod decision represents the position of the Board. Mr. Fud lay <br /> clarified that the underbrush area at Bob White Crescent was in fact labeled as Common Area <br /> with landscape plans. The decision has been dratted so that the area is left alone until the <br /> Association meets to discuss their plans for the area and to sure those plans with the planning <br /> Board. Mr. Fuda noted that it would then be a site plan change that would not require a public <br /> hearing. <br /> The Chair invited the public to make comments. Marion Baker thanked the Planning Board and <br /> Mr. Fud la for their sisal . Ms. Baker reported that n Asso6ation Board meeting will take <br /> place on March 10 in order to discuss Bob white Crescent and that she will report back to the <br /> P1 g Board about the results of the meeting. Mr. Fudala noted that only the four Board <br /> members who sat through all of the bearings should vote on the motion. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Ba arini made a motion to close the public hewing for Windchime <br /> Condominium. lir. Kooharian seconded the motion. Pour members voted yes. _ <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini Made a motion to accept the modification to the special permit <br /> for Wi <br />