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5 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> Minutes <br /> January 15, 2019 <br /> New funding streams to supplement or replace property tax, summary of new Water Protection Trust <br /> Fund—Andrew Gottlieb: <br /> At the last Selectmen's Meeting,the Board voted to appoint Andrew Gottlieb as Mashpee's <br /> representative to the Water Protection Trust Management Board proposed as an oversight board <br /> comprised of representation from the 15 Cape towns. <br /> The short-term rental legislation passed by the Governor last month provides a mechanism for clean <br /> water funding. The 2.75% excise is anticipated to give tax relief to offset the challenges to fund <br /> water quality protection and restoration. <br /> In addition to the short-term rental tax, an available source of revenue to finance wastewater is <br /> realized through the state revolving loan program. The SRF provides 0%principal interest loans and <br /> 25%principal forgiveness. Cape towns have the advantage and ability to apply for 1/3rd of funding <br /> for nutrient management at 0% interest, and the state allows up to 25% of the principal of a loan to <br /> be forgiven. <br /> The Cape Cod & Islands Water Protection Fund would provide funding to offset a portion of the <br /> SRF loans. The process requires eligibility for an SRF loan which is funded on a 2.75% sur-tax on <br /> short-term rentals in Barnstable County. The SRF is a competitive point-based program that <br /> determines eligibility. With state management of the SRF,there is no discretion regarding the use of <br /> the $2.75% sur-tax and there are no additional administrative costs to the Cape towns to administer <br /> this program. Communities under the Section 208 Plan would authorize a town to receive credit <br /> from measures associated to the nitrogen reduction goal. Initiatives would include shellfish <br /> aquaculture, dredging and fertilizer control bylaws. Lower cost options to achieve water quality <br /> control include inter-municipal agreements with towns having shared watersheds. <br /> When a town is prepared to move forward to town meeting for authorization to proceed with <br /> wastewater implementation projects the debt authorization for construction would start the project. <br /> Other funding initiatives include betterments,the local option hotel/motel tax, infrastructure <br /> surcharges and possibly revenue from marijuana resources. <br /> The Town Manager's Financial Team is expected to bring forth a financial plan by March 1, 2019 to <br /> consider a five-year financial plan. The projected cost of the Plan is $250 million over a 40-year <br /> implementation schedule. <br /> Board of Selectmen <br />