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removal. <br /> Resource Areas: Land Under waterbodies/waterways, BVW, Inland Bank} <br /> LSCSF, Deans Pond <br /> Michael Ball, Marsh hatters Environmental, represented the applicants. He is <br /> proposing to remove the identified invasive large gray willows along the pond shore. <br /> He referred to his packet submitted which showed the location of the willows. The <br /> Popponesset Beach Association is proposing to remove approximate 64 of these <br /> willows which are encroaching on other plant life and which are blocking the viers of <br /> the pond. The PBA would like to remove the willows before they crowd out everything. <br /> The method proposed is a cut and treat method with DEP approved herbicide. He <br /> described the Method and herbicide application where they cut the stumps and within a <br /> minute there is someone there to apply the herbicide which is approved for wetland <br /> use. Joan from PBA stated the lids don't go in the water. Maryanne Newcomb stated <br /> if approved this will be done before Memorial Day. Bill Harris stated the abutters all <br /> know about the project and are very much interested. Mike Ball noted the new <br /> plantings would tale place in the fall as shown/described in the permit application <br /> narrative and plans. <br /> The Agent noted there is also an area of phragmites that is also being treated. <br /> He stated a condition of the permit should be the submission of a yearly monitoring and <br /> maintenance report for the first three years of the project . Mike Ball explained the <br /> replacement cover vegetation. He also mentioned the Peninsula cbuncil is aware of <br /> this project. The Agent wanted to make sure all of the cuttings are taken off site and <br /> disposed of properly. <br /> Comments from the Publlic <br /> Ed Herbert stated he and his wife are abutters and fuller support the project. <br /> Lotion: Mr. shag moved to approve the Aooc with the conditions discussed, <br /> seconded by Mr. Mc ay. Vote unanimous 4-0 <br /> DISCUSSION: chapter 172 Regulation 30 Prevention of Pollution/Effect of nutrient <br /> loading on waterbodies. Review of procedures for changes to regulatory language <br /> The Agent referred to a packet of documents, including the current chapter 172 <br /> Regulation 30 Prevention of Pollution/Effect of nutrient loading on waterbodies and <br /> associated corresponding documents. He said back in 1993 there were homeowners <br /> who hired a consultant to review the then proposed regulation. The regulation's <br /> performance standard set a total nitrogen loading output of 5 parts per million for any <br /> development on a lot within wetlands jurisdiction (or any portion of a lot within <br /> jurisdiction). The Agent stated that the regulatory language is vague and the <br /> performance standard is questionable as to how feasible and/or achievable it is. Any <br /> impacts from proposed construction activities would need to be assessed by virtue of a <br /> Nitrogen loading calculation sheet, which would require engineering assessments, <br /> calculation and water quality sampling among other contributing factors. He feels this <br /> regulation and its requirements places a tremendous burden on the applicants and is <br /> rather undefined and vague in its current wording. He urged the commissioners to <br />