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Mashpee Cultural Council <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> June 2 , 2017 <br /> Mashpee Senior Center <br /> Present: Daum Thayer, Bruce Taggert, John Miller, Bili flay, Mary 5tahleker, Lynne Waterman <br /> 9:07 ani Meeting called to order . <br /> 9:11 ani Motion made by John Miller to approve a change in venue/date for Henry the <br /> Juggler performance through the Recreation Department. Nina seconded the motion. <br /> Unanimous vote to approve change in venue, <br /> 9:15 ars Bruce Taggert provided update to the rational Night Out event in which the <br /> Cultural Council will be sponsoring a performance by the Groovalatos. The even will take place <br /> on 8/1/17 from 5:30-8 prn. Discussion on conducting a survey at the event., Instead of creating <br /> a new survey,.we would look at previous one conducted and update accordingly. Biggest <br /> concern-age and demographics of respondents. The Council will have a half of a table at <br /> National Night Out to use and we can conduct the survey from there and provide contact <br /> information, etc, for anyone interested in serving on Council. <br /> 9:45 ars Discussion regarding request by Selectmen to attend one of their meetings. <br /> Would lire a presentation to discuss the Council's history, information, goals, statistics, mission <br /> statement, etc. Will wait until September due to schedules and may ask former members who <br /> had many years ofexperience on the Council, to attend and discuss their activities/experience <br /> during their-tenure, <br /> 10 ani Bill Nay mentioned a Bo second public service announcement that could be done <br /> on Mashpee TV to announce the grant application period and encourage applicants, Also <br /> mention survey, which we would like to be able to email to residents as well as posting it on the <br /> town website. Bruce suggested John do the PSA and everyone was in agreement. <br /> 10:05 ani Bruce announced five venders have been paid from the last grant. <br /> 10:07 John made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Daum. Unanimous vote to adjourn <br /> the meeting, <br />