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-�c 31 LOW <br /> ell Ido liY <br /> I isCUssioR: �iarie Lan en Bio 1 l ed an update for our newsletter. She had contacted the harborinas#er fbir <br /> help and expected to have the swim buoys out soon after Memorial Day. She planned to continue with no <br /> CI lyle to mr d boa is in fli e s riill area-, but feels the worst of the problem is solved, She thanked gas for our <br /> atid �or�si in overseeing �.he beauti l bodies of ater.�� <br /> Conclusions, Lowell dolly ill have a marked swim area once again and motorized boats will not be <br /> allowed in the swim area. <br /> [Agenda topic 4]Committee Vacancy <br /> Discussion: A-ndrew ei-na.11ed that a fi-send moving to the area., was not able to tired a house near the lake so <br /> would not be a candidate, We stili need to beep looping for another member. <br /> Conclusions: The committee vacancy remains. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] Unanticipated Problems Doted <br /> Discussion: Brian reported ted that he had been at the State boat rump both in the morning walking his dog <br /> and in the evening and noted a number of vehicles in the parking lot, up to 50 people gathered, and <br /> numerous Sudafed wrappers in the parldng area. Don reported driving there and had been made <br /> uncomfortable by someone blocking his vehicle from getting out while chatting with otheirs. We will ask <br /> the police Dept. to increase patrols in this area.. <br /> Jet skiersg <br /> are staying out on the tale past 7 P and in fact one weekdayevening were riding around until <br /> 8:30 PM. Ikon will tale this to Waterways meeting and the attention of the harbormaster. The <br /> harbormasters boat has been seen on the lake. Don also mentioned that the harbormaster was now a <br /> licensed police officers`. <br /> Conclusions.- The Statear in lot needs closers police patrol. Jet skiers are staying on the lake beyond <br /> p g <br /> PM. Don will tape to Waterways committee. <br /> The meeting was adjow-nod at 8:05 PSI <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> f <br /> Barbara 13.Nichols <br />