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Mashpee Sewer Commission E <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> Thursday, June 1 , 2017 <br /> -Ockway Meeting Room,Town Hall <br /> Sewer Commissioners Presente. Torn Fudala, Bradford Pittsley, Torn Burns, Joseph Lyons <br /> Also Present; Anastasia Rudenko,, GHD, Jeff Gregg, GHD <br /> Absent: Glenn Santos <br /> Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairman Tom Fudala at 736 p.m. <br /> Approval of Minutes: February 16�2017—no minutes <br /> Status of DRI Review <br /> The Chair stated he didn't get a notice regarding ars upcoming meeting. He did get notiffied that they are doing <br /> this new 208 plan consistency review that would be a lot quicker than the IRI process This will be <br /> the fall <br /> Status of other tasks <br /> Mashpee ommons[Wampanoag village Sewer Connections Study <br /> Anastasia Rudenko, GHD, gave a slide presentation of the Existing WWTF and Collections System Evaluation <br /> —Update She said the project is part of the first phase of the overall recommended plan to preserve Mashpee <br /> River and reduce nitrogen impacts-on Popponesset Bay and Waquoit Bay, which has been approved by the <br /> State.She showed the Wampanoag treatment facility, which was built in 2011* .overall treatment design <br /> allocates' 2 51,000 gallons per day which is reserved for offsite nitrogen mitigation. She reviewed the analysis <br /> which shoved that there is a small amount of potential excess capacity in this design. She spoke about options <br /> to expand the facility and the limitations of sending the flow to the Wampanoag facility. The second facility <br /> analyzed in this study is the Mashpee Commons Limited Partnership (MCLP) 'wastewater Treatment Facility. <br /> This facility was constructed in 1988 and the facility was intended to be expanded in 4 phases. It currently has <br /> been expanded to 3 phases. Four town buildings have been connected to the system-and, according to available <br /> planning-documents from M LP, the Quashnet School and the Combs School are expected to be connected to <br /> the system. Recently,the-Laurentide Assisted Living Facility has been added to the system, which was not in <br /> the original'pla.nn. <br /> The impact of additional flow to the M LP WWTF needs to be evaluated by the design engineer and <br /> manufacturer. She noted existing flows on a chart. She explained the hydraulic analysis that was conducted on <br /> the collection system at Mashpee Commons. The peak flow of the existing treatment facility is 180,000 gallons <br /> per day. A preliminary collections layout was developed and she noted that on a slide. Cost estimates were <br /> developed based or'the service to the entire subareas, A nitrogen impact analysis was also conducted as part of <br /> the study. The next steps would be to continue negotiations with private entities to solidify how much flog <br /> would be available for residential and municipal properties and continue with the desi-gn of the proposed site,. <br /> The Town should also continue the imlilementation of its plan recommendations and proceed with the design of <br /> the proposed Site 4 facility+ <br /> The-Chair noted the real issue: is there enough excess capacity at each of the facilities for the Town needs, <br /> particularly at Mashpee Commons9 The Wampanoag facility is in limbo. Mashpee Commons is updating their <br /> master plan. <br /> There was a brief discussion on the impact of the shellfish at Popponesset Bay and how they are performing. <br /> Not knowing what Mashpee Commons' master plan is makes 1t difficult to finalize any plans. <br />