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10 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> Minutes <br /> March 4, 2019 <br /> AFFORDABLE HOUSING PRESENTATIONS: <br /> Discussion: (continued) <br /> There are many roadblocks that limit development. The majority of components that control housing are lack of <br /> skilled labor, lack of approved land and the pricing structure between the existing product and the new product. <br /> There is difficulty for development when competing against existing stock. There is a need for suitable location; <br /> with allowable zoning and there is a need to resolve the wastewater issue sooner than later. <br /> Cape workers tend to live off Cape due to the cost of living, and wages. There is indication the need is <br /> greater than what HUD defines as low income. The housing cost burden analysis in the Town of Mashpee is 251 <br /> This links wages with the housing costs. <br /> When considering wages by income across the Cape and by median house value, the Town of Mashpee ranks <br /> 3rd of the highest wage earners on Cape Cod. It was noted the town of Bourne has higher wages, but the median <br /> home value is lower. There is a need to create a housing supply for multiple markets to meet the housing <br /> demand. <br /> It was recommended the Town amend zoning for accessory apartments to allow the change by right <br /> and not by special permit. This would increase the affordable housing stock. <br /> Land taken by tax taking was recommended to be placed on the market to allow for purchase and <br /> development. As per the Bylaw, Town Meeting must vote to take the lands out of conservation before <br /> they are applied to any other use. <br /> There was a question as to how affordable housing units could be protected from the costs associated to <br /> wastewater treatment plants. It was noted that CPC funds are permissible to assist and support affordable housir. <br /> CPA funding could be used for low to moderate income households for sewer hook-up. <br /> The Town has existing tools to address housing development. And, this discussion may be an opportunity to <br /> discuss Form Based code. It was recommended that existing bylaws be reviewed, and that thresholds for <br /> development beyond the single family home be studied. <br /> It was also suggested that a sound mechanism be developed to address land use regulations. With a population <br /> that is projected to shift, there is a need to create a more resilient economy of mixed unit developments, and <br /> accessory apartments to make Mashpee sustainable for the long term <br />