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y 3 y <br /> Talun Of O tt! Fre <br /> rte_F, P. O, Box 1 108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : January 16, 1985 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Michele Stone , Richardson <br /> Jonas <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT : Harold Collins <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TOWN PLANNER: Tom Fudala <br /> TIME: 8 :05 PM <br /> Mr . Ernie Virgilio, Highway Superintendent , appeared before the Board to <br /> discuss the problem he is seeing with storm drains . He said because a <br /> cat recently got into a catch basin, he 's afraid a child might be able <br /> to and he would like to change the openings of them. <br /> Mr. Marsters asked Mr. Rowley to look into it and make recommendations <br /> to the Board as they can include any changes in the subdivision rules and <br /> regulations . <br /> Mr. Dubin opened the public hearing on Deer Crossing which had been post- <br /> poned from an earlier meeting . <br /> Mr. Grassetti said he followed the guidelines set in the zoning by-laws <br /> and submitted the final set of drawings . The abuttors had been notified <br /> and Mr. Grassetti presented a folder containing all the responses from <br /> all Boards and Departments that had been notified . <br /> Mr. Rowley said he went over the plans and the storm drainage is alright <br /> as far as he 's concerned since corrections were made . He said the plan <br /> is alright from an engineering point of view. <br /> There were no comments from the public . <br /> Mr. Grassetti had previously paid for 85 units but the Board had only let <br /> him plan 83 , thus giving Mr. Grassetti a credit . The Board took the plan <br /> under advisement . <br /> Mr. Russo requested a release of covenant for lots on Quinaquisset Rd, in <br /> exchange for a cash bond . Mr. Rowley recommended they include an additional <br /> sum for headwalls that need to be installed . <br /> Mr. Marsters made a motion that upon receipt of $18,000 to cover the work <br /> remaining to be done , the Board release the covenant , Mr. Jonas seconded <br />