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project proponents' engineers and could only condition work with a performance bond in the <br /> event that work was not properly completed. <br /> Raul Lizardi-Rivera, Cape and Islands Engineering, represented the project proponent. Mr. <br /> Lizardi-Rivera explained that the matter was continued to allow for proper re-notification in the <br /> newspaper by the Planning Department. Mr. Lizardi-Rivera stated that modifications were made <br /> to their plan extending the 14 foot width to 16 feet, with a 2 foot clearance on each side, for a <br /> total width of 20 feet. The Fire Department approved the plan proposed with the width and the <br /> length, more than 150 feet from the public way. The Chair inquired about the plans and Mr. <br /> Lehrer responded that they had been distributed at a prior meeting so they were not reprinted. <br /> The Chair asked that plans be provided for Board members in the future. Mr. Lizardi-Rivera <br /> confirmed that the plan revision was dated 2/8/19 and the original plan was dated 1/9/19. In <br /> addition to the widening, Mr. Lizardi-Rivera stated that a section detail was added to the revised <br /> plan, to show the cross section. <br /> Mr. Lizardi-Rivera confirmed that the Fire Department had approved the plan in a meeting, but <br /> had not provided anything in writing. Mr. Lehrer responded that a condition had been included <br /> in the draft of the Decision, provided at the last meeting, and referenced a March 6 letter from <br /> Jack Phelan stating that the Fire Department had approved the plan as presented. Mr. Lehrer <br /> read the letter. Mr. Lizardi-Rivera had not received the email. The Chair inquired about the <br /> draft Decision and Mr. Lehrer confirmed that the draft Decision had been amended. The Chair <br /> noted that Board members did not typically bring packets from prior meetings and Mr. Lehrer <br /> responded that he generally did not reprint documents received at prior meetings due to printing <br /> costs, asking that Board members bring previous documents to the meeting. The Chair asked if <br /> Mr. Lehrer could provide Board members with the final Decision for discussion and vote, and <br /> provide a copy of Mr. Phelan's letter to the project proponent. <br /> Mr. Balzarini asked about the numbering of the houses and Mr. Lizardi-Rivera confirmed that <br /> 147 and 155 would be addressed at Old Barnstable Road. Mr. Cummings inquired about the <br /> location of the fire hydrant and Mr. Rowley noted that the engines had adequate supply lines. <br /> Mr. Lehrer distributed copies of the Decision and confirmed that the content of Mr. Phelan's <br /> email had been included in the conditions. There was discussion about wetlands and Mr. <br /> Lizardi-Rivera confirmed that, regardless of the wetlands, a 150 foot setback away from Old <br /> Barnstable Road was required. The Chair inquired about a waiver request and Mr. Lehrer <br /> responded that Mr. Costa had requested a waiver regarding the 200 foot driveway. Mr. Rowley <br /> stated that he was happy with the plan but offered a reminder that a permit would be needed from <br /> the DPW for a curb cut. The Chair inquired whether the curb cut permit was needed as a <br /> condition and Mr. Rowley responded that it was not needed as a condition. <br /> There were no additional comments. <br /> 2 <br />