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x , <br /> I <br /> I <br /> MASWEE WATERWAYS-COMNUSSION. <br /> MINUTES OF JULY 129 2011 MEETING <br /> Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ren Bates at 9:05 Ali in meeting room 3,Town lull. <br /> Present were Ren Bates,Tire Leedham,Bill Taylor, Steve Pinard <br /> Also present Rick York, Shellfish Constable <br /> A► motion to approve the meeting minutes of the last meeting was made by Steve Pinard, <br /> seconded by Bill Taylor and unanimously approved. <br /> i Committee 1prts <br /> Shellfish Deport: Rick York: Shellfishing for quahogs is very active. We got 11000 <br /> oyster spat bags from the hatchery and-put them in trays in the Marshpee River- The 3 million <br /> quahog seed from the hatchery are growing In the upwellers and trays in Little River. on June <br /> 207 the Shellfish Commission had a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen to hear a <br /> presentation' from Gr g'Sawyer of the III'l ss.'Division of Ul6rine Fisheries (DMF about their <br /> program of relays of contaminated quahogs from the Taunton River. The agenda item was <br /> requested by the Fish, Wildlife and [Natural Resources Commission (F NRC) of the l lashpee <br /> Wampanoag Tribe. I stated that l arra not in favor of contaminated shellfish relays primarily <br /> because It is an enforcement problem. The relay area must be-closed for 3 months to a year <br /> depending on when planting occurs. The relayed quahogs are planted In high densities that are <br /> easy t -take illegally unobserved particularly on foggy nights. When I was first appointed In April <br /> 1992, l inherited a shellfish relay at the in Popponesset Bay that my predecessor had planted in <br /> 19 91. - f the 300 or more-buheis,of quahog that were relayed, I found less than 3 bushels. <br /> There were no shells and the area was still closed. The quahogs were most likely taken illegally <br /> while the area was closed_ Also, the relayed shellfish do not remove much nitrogen (most of the . <br /> nitrogen would come from the Taunton River) compared to growing quahogs from small seed in <br /> our waters. We have plenty of quahogs anyway. In addition to seeding from our propagation <br /> program, there was a big set of quahogs in 11aquoit Bay in 2009 that acre I ittlenecks and large <br /> seed now. We observed extremely high numbers of quahog larvae in 2009 that had relatively <br /> good survival and growth. The experienced commercial shell-fishermen in 1 arquoit-Bay are <br /> usually getting their 3 bushel daily limit in about 4 to 8 hours now. <br /> Harbourmaster Report: Rick York advised that the selection process for a new <br /> Harbormaster is continuing and we should have a new Harbormaster by our next meeting. <br /> Popponesset Bay: Tire L edham reported that the Bay has been very active with many <br /> families enjoying the area. Tim also noted that during last weeks WQ Test the water clarity <br /> seemed much unproved vs, past years including Shoestring Bay. The spit was also well populated <br /> with people en jo in the day. <br /> wacl oit Bay: Rick York reported that similar to Popponesset Bay report existed on � <br /> Wacluoit Bay as well, <br /> Water Quality: Steve Pinard reported that last weeks testing day went well, with all areas <br /> and test sites were completed. Steve Pinard reminded all that the Spring Meeting, of the water <br /> Quality Test Program, open to the public was set for later in the clay at 5-.30PM. Publicity was <br /> extensive via cable TV, newspaper,emalls and radio. Several Town organization and offices <br /> were included in the invitations. The presentation will be"live"on the Town's Cable TV system. <br /> Fresh Nater: Bill Taylor reported that the usual Newsletter was being prepared. <br />