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220 bags of oyster seed on shell fragments (about a ton) are expected in July, with Quahog seed <br /> 1 million due this month(June), and a million scallop seed next month(July). <br /> . Committee Eeports <br /> Fresh Nater—William Taylor <br /> Mashpee Wakeby Lake Management Committee—Bill reported that there was a meeting in <br /> May, and there was a lot of concern over the high water in the pond. It was anticipated that <br /> Selectmen and/or the Administrator would attend to discuss the concerns, but they did not. <br /> Consequently those who attended to express their concerns to the Dake Management Committee <br /> decided to attend the next selectmen's meeting, <br /> Popponesset Bay—Gerald Daly <br /> Gerry reported there have been a fair number of boats out, but things were orderly. <br /> waquoit Bay Area—Jim Hanks <br /> Jing Hanks said that the Waluoit Bay area was very quiet until the past week. <br /> County Dredge Advisory Meeting—William Taylor <br /> No meeting was Meld in May. <br /> WaterwaysBy-laws and Regulations—Jim Hanks <br /> Jim Hanks reported the bylaws review committee h .not taken any action on the waterways by- <br /> law revisions, so he plans to get them on the town warrant for October. <br /> Water Quality Update—Jim Hanks <br /> Jinn reported that there had been no meeting of the Pilot Project, and plans for water quality <br /> sampling this summer were beim made. <br /> . Sewer Commission_emission_Citizens Advisory Committee—Pawl Lumsden <br /> Paul reported that there was no meeting held during the past month. <br /> . Barnstable Comm Coastal. Resources Committee Update—Gerald D& <br /> Jerry reported that there would be a meeting.of the committee next week(14 June), where Wayne <br /> Jaedtke would discuss dredging, and Truman Henson would provide an update on the offshore <br /> dumping site being studied by CZM. <br /> . Waterways Ire rovement Plan and Dredging Permits—Jim Hanks <br /> Mashpee Diver Dredge Project—Jim Hanks shoved some draft outlines of potential marsh <br /> islands in the river with associated volumes. These were discussed briefly and will be refined ire <br /> the future. <br /> ' . Web site—Jim Hanks <br /> Jim reported the Boating i <br />