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�. Review of Minutes—The minutes from 6 May were reviewed and John S art bau h <br /> proved they be accepted as written,Jerry Daly seconded the motion,and the motion <br /> carried with one abstention. <br /> OLD SSSS <br /> • �' �e�- er berry stated that aU the boats are In the water,the WAM <br /> � .a■.r. r■rwww rrr� <br /> markers are in,and everything is rwming well. The channel out in front of iopponesset has <br /> shoaled to less than 3.2 feet and is redly bad. He also stated that the Rech Vessel might be <br /> taken away by someone who 's interested. That would save us from bav*to dispose of it. <br /> He pounced that a Celt class was coag up Monday night the Wh. The dement is.short <br /> handed this spring. <br /> .Terry Daly asked what was the procedure for emergency dredging if a hurricane blocked our <br /> channels. He also asked-if we were at that point with our current Prop one set Bay outside <br /> charnel situation. Perry pointed out that fisheries and wild life agencies wouldn't let us near i <br /> because of nesting plovers and the anadramous h. The spit is where we would put.the <br /> material, so thatis problem. Tim Leedhm asked if a survey had been done to determine if the <br /> plovers were present. No one knew, but Jim Ham said that Save Popponesset Bay was <br /> working on a Plover Habitat Management Plan With Mass Audubon. Jerry Daly asked if the <br /> Audubon folks say there is no plovers, would we be able to dredge. Perry stated the plovers are <br /> there and nesting because the fences and signs are up. A lengthy discussion of the alteratives <br /> and problems ensued. Tim Leedharn volunteered to take a boat ride with Bob Sherman and <br /> measure the depths. He said he would stop by and see Bob In the morning. Ferry said if Bob <br /> coup go he would join them. hn Hanks moved that Tim Leedom investigate the problem <br /> tomorrow with Bob Sherman,Jerry Daly seconded the motion and It cam*ed unanimously. <br /> T pend' on the results,the group agreed we should appraise the Selectmen of the situation. <br /> Jerry Daly moved,and BM Taylor seconded it,that we ate a letter to the selectmen after <br /> we obtained the results. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> u* n Hanks brought up the fact that last month we tabled the issue of swing m Popponesset <br /> Creek and Perry should be aware that Save opponesset Bay plans to put up sarin signs �g <br /> the public against ` g m the creek. Perry stated that he looked again at the site,,but <br /> could see no way of changingit. He Oih*s the rope vaarker works as well as anything. <br /> Perry added as a .note that the people who have moorings are very far behind schedule <br /> compared to dock owners, <br /> 2. 5kllfigh Cogl e - -Rick reported that it is cooler d=nom and <br /> clearer than usual,. Jim Planks noted there had been an algae bloom in great liver that lasted <br /> about 2 days. Rick added that because of the temperature,the shellfish had not spawned,which <br /> is a good thug because the l r ae would have no algae to feed on. Also,the war has been <br /> supersaat r ted with oxygen sometimes. He also reported a major bloom of copepods, small <br /> colorless aninWs,Bch also eat the small algae. Rick is scheduled to get 3 million quahog seed <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />