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and having the engineers make recommendations. <br /> SUB COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Inland Waterwa Mr. Homeyer had nothing to report. Boats <br /> are out of the water; no more activity. Mr. Ellis stated the <br /> gear is out of John' s Pana and Ma shee- Takeby. He will be <br /> putting the fond boat back in to do a survey for the one-mile <br /> swim in John' s Pond. <br /> Po - onesset BaE : Mr. Silver observed Harbormaster and Shellfish <br /> Warden taking out the markers. He helped the Harbormaster find <br /> someone' s ramp (which was Mr. Silver' s . <br /> T �itB Mr. Fordham stated that most of the boats have <br /> disappeared. He noted many barnacles this year due probably <br /> to a lack of rain; the water is more salty. <br /> DredAing Project; This topic had been covered earlier. <br /> Waterways Bylaws: Mr. Hanks stated that we need to follow this <br /> up to get Tori" s office to move the legislation, and we <br /> meed to follow up with Jane LaBute as to what' s happening with <br /> State' s review of By laws and also the Attorney General. <br /> A report should be forthcoming for the next meeting. <br /> Joint Dock Permitting Process: Some discussion occurred as <br /> to what the purpose of this committee is, Mr. Ho eyes and Mr. <br /> Rowland thought the purpose was to make sure Waterways is not <br /> by-passed in reviewing dock Permits, and Mr. Silver added also <br /> that permit applications should not be allowed to Maass through <br /> the Board of Appeals if Waterways was not supportive. Dr. Gordon <br /> suggested there be a permitting process that includes the <br /> following: 1 keeping everyone in the loop, 2 checklist <br /> of design goals, who an applicant should go to and in what <br /> sequence. It was decided to put this on the next agenda after <br /> the dock committee meets. <br /> OTHER OLD BUSINESS <br /> Conservation Commission letter re* disturbance to the Eco- Y_ stern* <br /> Mr. Hanks seat a new letter to the Conservation Commission <br /> stating that Waterways did not receive a response and if n <br /> response is received it will be presumed that no supporting <br /> evidence exists that boating causes disturbance to the <br /> Eco--System. <br /> New Build inY This was tabled. <br /> i <br /> Aivaculture Issues: This was tabled. <br />