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05/15/2019 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
05/15/2019 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to require that the applicant fund the services of an RF <br /> Engineer to review their application regarding the FCC Guidelines. Mr. Cummings seconded <br /> the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair suggested the need to acquire three written quotes. Mr. Balzarmi suggested that it <br /> would be a conflict of interest to use the same engineer as the Cape Cod Commission. Mr. Lehrer <br /> stated that David Maxson,the engineer hired by the Cape Cod Commission, came highly regarded. <br /> Mr. Lehrer confirmed that Mr. Maxson's report showed that the applicant's RF data met with FCC <br /> guidelines. Two members of the Planning Board would work with Mr. Lehrer regarding the matter. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to authorize Joe Cummings and Rob Hansen to work <br /> with the Town Planner and Consultant Engineer to make a recommendation for the next <br /> Planning Board meeting. Mr. Weeden seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair opened to public comment related to the Board's hiring of an RF engineer. <br /> Sharon DeFrancisco, Red Brick Road, asked for clarification regarding third party review of the <br /> findings. Mr. Lehrer stated that the overall project had been reviewed as a DRI referral to the Cape <br /> Cod Commission,but that the Planning Board had not yet contracted a third party review. Ms. <br /> DeFrancisco inquired whether that report was on record and Mr. Lehrer confirmed that it was. <br /> Michael Ronhock, Sunset Circle, inquired whether it would be the thresholds reviewed or the coverage <br /> charts. The Chair responded that the Bylaws allowed for an RF Engineer review related to the FCC <br /> Guidelines. Mr. Lehrer stated that they would likely be certifying that the radio frequency thresholds <br /> were not being exceeded. Mr. Ronhock inquired about the review of the coverage maps because the <br /> data differed between the presentation to the Cape Cod Commission and the Planning Board. The <br /> Chair read for the record the referenced statement from the Bylaw regarding review of the <br /> environmental effects of radio frequency radiation of the FCC Guidelines. Mr. Ronhock,who had read <br /> Mr. Maxson's report, suggested that it would be helpful for the Planning Board to have another <br /> perspective on the matter. <br /> Teresa Ronhock, Sunset Circle, agreed that it would be to everyone's benefit to have another <br /> consultant offer a comparison to Mr. Maxson's report. <br /> The Chair indicated that, as it stood,there would be no hiring of an engineer until the next public <br /> hearing and inquired whether the Board wished to authorize Mr. Cummings and Mr. Hansen to <br /> recommend the hiring of the consultant,to the Town. Mr. Lehrer suggested that Mr. Cummings and <br /> Mr. Hansen coordinate the matter within his office since the Town Manager served as Chief <br /> Procurement Officer. The Chair asked to change the motion. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to withdraw the last motion where it would be a <br /> recommendation to the Planning Board and modify it so that the Board was authorizing Joe <br /> Cummings and Rob Hansen,working with Town Staff and our Engineer, to make a <br /> recommendation to the Town Manager, Chief Procurement Officer, to hire the consultant. Mr. <br /> Weeden seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> 2 <br />
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