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Mashpee Affordable Housing Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> May 14, 2019 at 6:30 pm <br /> Mashpee Town Hall-Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman Allan Isbitz, Walter Abbott,Berkeley Johnson, Bruce Willard <br /> Also: Selectman Carol Sherman, Selectman Thomas O'Hara, Town Planner Evan Lehrer <br /> Absent: Marie Stone <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairman Isbitz opened the meeting with a quorum, and the roll was called. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 7, 2019 <br /> Chairman Isbitz had proposed changes to the minutes,but it was determined that they would be <br /> deferred to the next meeting. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 950 Falmouth Road <br /> Presentation by the 950 Working Group on Review &Analysis of RFP Proposals- <br /> Chairmanship of the meeting was turned over to Vice Chairman Abbott, to allow Chairman <br /> Isbitz to present his report. Chairman Isbitz discussed the RFP Working Group's process and <br /> distributed the Developer Selection Schedule& Process, which detailed the timeline of the 950 <br /> Working Group. Mr. Isbitz discussed the meeting dates and highlighted the two proposals, one <br /> from Commonwealth Community Developers, LLC and another co-development proposal from <br /> Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc. (POAH) and Housing Assistance Corporation, Inc. <br /> (HAC). Mr. Isbitz noted that, as co-developers, POAH and HAC had developed five projects on <br /> the Cape. Commonwealth Community Developers (CCD)was currently working on the <br /> development of Yarmouth Gardens. <br /> Four meetings were held to evaluate the proposals, beginning April 26. Members of the 950 <br /> Working Group included the Chair and Vice Chair of the Affordable Housing Committee(Mr. <br /> Isbitz and Mr. Abbott), the Assistant Town Manager and the Town Planner(Mr. Taylor and Mr. <br /> Lehrer), a member of the Affordable Housing Trust(Selectman Sherman and/or Selectman <br /> Cahalane) and Laura Shufelt, Mass Housing Partnership, to assist with the financial analysis <br /> submitted by the proposers. During the first meeting, the group assessed whether the proposals <br /> met the thresholds determined by the RFP and it was determined that they had done so. <br /> Mr. Isbitz indicated that, with the exception of the second meeting, all were posted and open to <br /> the public. As a result, there was no evaluation of the proposal at the second meeting and the <br /> Group instead finalized the evaluation checklist that would be used to score the proposals. <br /> Members of the public did attend that meeting. On May 7, the POAH/HAC proposal was <br /> assessed and scored. <br /> On May 8, both proposers presented their proposals and questions were asked and answered. At <br /> the final meeting on May 9, the Commonwealth Community Developers proposal was assessed <br />