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member board. Ms. Thompson added that the burden of the request sat with the applicant. Ms. <br /> Thompson stated that she saw no reasonable reason for the Board to grant the request. Should the <br /> Board not grant the request, the applicant would proceed with the four member Board, but would <br /> consider it an overt act of hostility by the Board. <br /> The Chair invited comment or questions from Planning Board members for the applicant. Mr. Hansen <br /> stated his opinion that withdrawal without prejudice would be the right thing to do. Mr. Phelan <br /> inquired when the applicant would reapply and Ms. Thompson responded that they would re-file next <br /> week. The Chair invited anyone having difficulty hearing, to join the Board at the front table adjacent <br /> to Mr. Hansen. <br /> The Chair recognized the Town Planner and Consultant Engineer, who had no questions for the <br /> applicant. <br /> The Chair opened the Hearing to Public Comment, noting that it was a procedural matter and <br /> discussion was limited to the request to withdraw without prejudice and all comments were to be <br /> addressed to the Chair. Mr. Balzarini asked that the Chair explain"without prejudice." The Chair <br /> explained that State statute allowed a Special Permit applicant to automatically withdraw an <br /> application without prejudice, before local notice was published. After Public Hearing Notice <br /> publication, a Special Permit application was required to request approval from the regulatory board to <br /> withdraw without prejudice. If the withdrawal was not approved, the application could not appear <br /> before the same regulatory board for two years, unless the Board voted to review the application or the <br /> application was substantially changed. Chairman Waygan read Zoning Act, Chapter 40A, Section 16. <br /> Terry Ronhock, Sunset Circle, asked for clarification that if the Board voted against allowing the <br /> withdrawal, it would be considered a hostile action and the application could not be reviewed as is or <br /> not for an additional two years. The Chair responded that any negative act would not allow review of <br /> the application, unless it was substantially changed. Ms. Ronhock stated that abutters and other <br /> residents of the Town had experienced tremendous stress as a result of concerns regarding health and <br /> financing of legal fees, and the matter had created a long term strain on the residents. Ms. Ronhock <br /> asked that the Board take into consideration the concerns of the abutters, and residents who expressed <br /> their opinion by vote at Town Meeting, and who were seeking closure of the matter. The Chair offered <br /> copies of Chapter 40A to interested parties. <br /> Michael Ronhock, Sunset Circle, inquired whether the decision with the Zoning Board would be <br /> impacted by the vote of the Planning Board. The Chair stated that the decision was out of her purview. <br /> The Chair recognized Mr. Lehrer who stated that the Zoning Board had granted the variance and, as an <br /> independent proceeding,the Planning Board's decision would have no impact to the Zoning Board's <br /> decision. <br /> Diane Scannell, Degrass Road, inquired about the two Board members the applicant originally <br /> requested be recused from the matter. The Chair responded that, should the application go forward <br /> without withdrawal, the matter would be reviewed by the Chair, Mr. Cummings,Mr. Balzarini and Mr. <br /> Hansen, who had been seated as a full member on April 17, 2019. It was Town Counsel's opinion that <br /> the two new members had a right to vote on the request to withdraw without prejudice, along with Mr. <br /> 2 <br />