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Mashpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> August 7,2019 at 6:00 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall-Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Present: Chairman Mary Waygan, Vice Chairman Joe Cummings,Dennis Balzarini, John(Jack) <br /> Phelan, Joseph Callahan, Robert(Rob)Hansen (Alt.) <br /> Also: Evan Lehrer-Town Planner, Charles Rowley-Consultant Engineer <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Waquoit Meeting <br /> Room at Mashpee Town Hall by Chairman Waygan, at 6:04 p.m. on Wednesday, August 7, 2019. The <br /> Chair welcomed attendees and stated that the meeting was being videographed and recorded and noted <br /> that, if the public were to address the Board, to do so stating their name, address and comment. The <br /> Pledge of Allegiance was recited. There was a moment of silence. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 17, 2019 <br /> Minutes were not considered. <br /> Workshop on Proposed Amendments to the ADU/Accessory Apartment Zoning Bylaw to <br /> Receive Public Comment and Possibly Revise Article Submitted to Board of Selectmen-The Chair <br /> stated that public comment was welcome at tonight's workshop meeting, noting that it could not be <br /> accepted previously. The Board of Selectmen had provided additional comments regarding the <br /> proposed amendment. The Chair explained that the proposed amendment would be a modification to <br /> the existing ADU Bylaw, which allowed for accessory apartments. The proposed amendment would <br /> allow accessory apartments by right, removing the requirement of a Special Permit, and changes to the <br /> definition would allow for two bedroom units, instead of one. Mr. Lehrer clarified that the Bylaw <br /> contained definition inconsistencies, noting that accessory apartments allowed two bedrooms but the <br /> ADU allowed only one bedroom, but the modification would correct inconsistencies allowing for a <br /> maximum of two bedrooms, which would include rooms considered to be a study. In addition, the <br /> Board of Selectmen have requested that provisions be added that would allow for monitoring. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired whether the projects would be considered by Design Review. The Chair <br /> referenced the last meeting when it was suggested that abutters be notified, as was currently required <br /> under the Special Permit, which could be done by application to Plan Review. Mr. Phelan stated that <br /> notification was intended for detached structures only and Mr. Balzarini agreed. The Chair confirmed <br /> that it was added to the form. Mr. Phelan expressed concern that the additional review and notification <br /> would make the process more complicated and costly, adding that homeowners were allowed to build a <br /> detached garage. Mr. Phelan stated that the intent was to increase housing and all should be allowed <br /> by right, provided all other building codes were being met. <br /> Mr. Balzarini expressed concern about maintaining the units as affordable and suggested the possibility <br /> of the units being used for summer rentals, rather than more permanent rentals. Mr. Callahan noted <br /> that units were restricted from being rented nightly or weekly. <br /> 1 <br />