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The Chair invited Board and staff members to comment. Mr. Callahan stated that the applicant <br /> addressed concerns expressed by the Board. Mr. Phelan agreed that most of the issues were addressed. <br /> Mr. Cummings had no concerns. Mr. Balzarini appreciated the changes to the exterior. <br /> Mr. Lehrer agreed that the proposed architectural designs were an improvement over what was <br /> previously submitted and were in compliance with the Cape Cod Commission Design Guidelines, Mr. <br /> Lehrer noted that the narrative was abbreviated and asked that more information be included as to why <br /> the design choices were made. Mr. Lehrer added that, as a site located in the C-3 District, 40% of the <br /> lot was required to remain undisturbed natural, adding that Mr. Rowley had initially pointed out that <br /> the calculation did not appear on the plans. <br /> Mr. Lizardi-Rivera discussed the architectural changes made to the building, originally intended to be <br /> metal, and would include a central portion made up of cedar shingles, with the wings featuring vinyl <br /> siding. The two entrances were shifted to the corners with awnings above, to create a projection. The <br /> bottom of the fagade would also feature barn board. The building sign would now be facing Evergreen <br /> Circle. <br /> The natural open space calculations had been added to Sheet l and met zoning compliance of 50%, <br /> including improvements and had been considered by Plan and Design Review where more native <br /> species were requested in the landscaping. Mr. Lehrer inquired whether the 50% calculation was <br /> undisturbed, as required and Mr. Lizardi-Rivera responded that it was disturbed but replaced with <br /> landscaping. Mr. Lehrer inquired how much of the land would be undisturbed and how much would <br /> be landscaped but Mr. Lizardi-Rivera was unsure of the exact calculations. Mr. Lehrer reiterated that <br /> 40% needed to remain undisturbed, unless relief was being sought and granted. The Chair requested <br /> that the calculations be provided to the Board. Mr. Lizardi-Rivera stated that the land on Main Street <br /> had already been disturbed previously. There was disagreement regarding zoning interpretation of <br /> disturbed and undisturbed land, if the land had already been disturbed. The Chair stated that the note <br /> would need to be added to match the zoning bylaw in the zoning compliance table and Mr. Rowley <br /> agreed that compliance needed to be shown. The Chair believed that the intent of the Bylaw was that <br /> the final product be left in its final state but Mr. Lehrer suggested that use of"undisturbed" meant prior <br /> to development of the site. Mr. Lizardi-Rivera stated that the C-3 district was completely disturbed. <br /> Mr. Phelan agreed with both viewpoints. <br /> Mr. Rowley referenced the location of the water main and sprinkler system, and the need to clear the <br /> trees that would impact the undisturbed area, adding that it would be fine if it was a Water District <br /> preference, as there would be little difference. Regarding drainage,Mr. Rowley expressed concern <br /> about the shifts in the crown shedding the water to one side, suggesting the possibility that plowed <br /> snow may block the drainage areas, directing water to Evergreen Circle, which was not designed to <br /> manage additional flow from other sites. Mr. Rowley had suggested that the low point be adjusted and <br /> the runoff contained within the site. There was agreement for Mr. Rowley and Mr. Lizardi-River to <br /> work on the matter further. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> 2 <br />