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gU15'ry Town Of Nashpec <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> �a Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> cu- <br /> Telephone- (508) 539-1438 <br /> MASHPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of Meeting— September 12, 2019 <br /> The Mashpee Historical Commission meeting was called to order by Ava Costello, Chair, at <br /> 4:15 pm. <br /> Commissioners Present: Ava Costello, Richard DeSorgher, Brian Hyde, Nancy Soderberg and <br /> Joan Tavares-Avant <br /> Commissioners not Present: Rosemary Burns Love and Brian Weeden <br /> Minutes from the August meeting were approved as amended. Motion to approve was moved <br /> by Richard, seconded by Joan, and unanimously voted. <br /> Reporting on the 50t'Anniversary Celebration was discussed by Richard who is working with <br /> Joan and Brian Weeden. Richard was assisted by Deb Dami and Judy Mooney of Town Clerk's <br /> Office to get the mailing addresses of past members of the Commission. Richard requested <br /> Ann to work on a Certificate of Appreciation to present to the attending past Commissioners. <br /> Richard had prepared the Schedule of Events for the day, and Ann will work on invitations for <br /> past Commissioners and Town officials which will go out shortly. Richard will be working with <br /> Trish Keliinui, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, to find out how to distribute invitations to their <br /> members. We discussed our budget for 2020, and Brian Hyde made a motion to increase the <br /> amount of funds to be set aside for this event to be increased to $1,000, from a previously <br /> estimated amount of$500. The motion was seconded by Joan, and unanimously voted. <br /> As requested by Rosemary, Richard had taken several pictures of the last remaining Trout Pond <br /> Cottages presently located at the Mashpee Rotary, which we believe is owned by Fields Point <br /> Manufacturing Company, owner of the Mashpee Commons. We are thinking that that building <br /> should be preserved and perhaps could be used by the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce for an <br /> Information Booth for summer visitors. Richard will follow up with a call to Mary Lou Palumbo, <br /> Executive Director of the Chamber, to find out if they would have an interest. If so, he will invite <br /> her to our next meeting. <br /> Nancy plans to work on properly storing the maps given to us by Tom Fudala, former Mashpee <br /> Town Planner, shortly before he retired. We have ordered the necessary archival supplies for <br /> the project. Nancy mentioned that she planned to attend the WBNERR (Waquoit Bay National <br /> Estuarine Research Reserve) event on Saturday, September 14, 2019. The publication of The <br /> History of the Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge, by Brian Kehrl, writer and editor, was going to <br /> be available to those attending the event, and she would bring in a few copies for us to keep. <br />