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ToEull of <br /> P. O. BOX 1108 <br /> r� DLO- MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES: October 2, 1985 <br /> NL0V1BERS PRESENT: Richard Dubin, Anthony Ferragamo, Michele Stone (8:30) , <br /> Harold Collins, Richardson Jonas <br /> TOWN PLANNER: Tom Fudala <br /> CONSULTING ENGINE Charles L. Rowley (9:00) <br /> TIME: 8:13 p.m. <br /> Mr. Dubin called the meeting to order at 8:13 p.m. Mr. Dubin stated that Mr. <br /> Rowley would be a little late. <br /> Public Hearing: Richardson Jonas <br /> End of Jonas Road off Route 130 <br /> Definitive Plan of 8-lot subdivision <br /> For the purpose of this hearing, Mr. Jonas abstained. During the preliminary <br /> hearing, there was a list of things to be taken care of. Mr. Warwick stated <br /> that they have been done. Mr. Dubin stated that because Mr. Rowley was not <br /> here yet, they would hold the engineering comments until he arrived. Mr. Dubin <br /> stated that he would like to see a notatior on the plan that Coombs Road would <br /> not be obstructed. The hearing was continued until Mr. Rowley' s arrival. <br /> Public Hearing: Steve Zaglakas <br /> Central Road south of Ashers Path and Fish Place Road <br /> Definitive Plan of 23-lot cluster subdivision <br /> Mr. Bruce Gilmore stated that the plan has been preliminarily approved by the <br /> Planning Board, and the Board of Appeals has yet to act on it. It contains <br /> approximately 11 acres of subdivision and almost 10 acres of open space. There <br /> was a discussion on maximum allowable lots. Because of a drafting error, zoning <br /> is shown as R-1 and R-2. It will be changed to read R-2 and R-3. Mr. Dubin <br /> stated that he would like to see open space abutting the road. Mr. Fudala brought <br /> up the fact that the plan didn't have the right format for a cluster. It will be <br /> taken care of. The hearing was continued until Mr. Rowley' s arrival in order to <br /> discuss the engineering comments. <br /> Mr. Dubin stated that they would hold the rest of the public hearings until <br /> Mr. Rowley arrived. It was decided to take care of the Approval-Not-Required <br /> plans. Mr. Fudala stated that Mr. Cragwell had called and asked to be taken <br /> off the agenda. Mr. Dubin then asked if anyone was present representing Leslie <br /> Hughes. There was no response. Mr. Dubin then asked if anyone was present <br />