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P. O. BOX 1108 <br /> F, MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : May 1, 1985 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Richardson Jonas , <br /> Harold Collins , Michele Stone (9:00) <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TOWN PLANNER: Tom Fudala <br /> TIME : 8:04 Pm <br /> Mr. French of Comm/Electric appeared before the Board regarding Shields <br /> Rd. as the developer is looking for a waiver of the requirement that <br /> the existing overhead be replaced with new underground service . <br /> Mr. French said they have existing easement rights they feel are adequate . <br /> If the Board asks for underground it will cost more for the rate payer. <br /> He thinks they should retain the overhead. <br /> Mr. Marsters felt the underground is cheaper but Mr. French disagreed . <br /> He asked to retain the easement rights and have underground to the <br /> houses served and no secondary overhead wires . This eliminates criss- <br /> crossing of wires and the cul-de-sacs will have underground under the <br /> existing policy. The Board took the request under advisement . <br /> The Board took up the public hearing on the Zeta Trust subdivision. Mr. <br /> Rowley submitted a report and it was reviewed: <br /> 1) will ask for a receipt <br /> 2) they will add the address <br /> 3 ) Mr. Baxter will do this <br /> 4) Mr. Baxter asked for detail on MDC drains . Mr. Rowley said he <br /> never got anything from the Board of Health, only -told it has a <br /> trap. <br /> 5) Mr. Marsters said the road goes through so they need a turn around. <br /> Mr. Marsters suggested they block off lot 5. Mr. Fudala said they <br /> should first check into seeing who has rights on it . <br /> 6) Mr. Baxter said he can -put that on. <br /> ?) Mr. Baxter said he can put it on. <br /> 8) Mr. Baxter said the engineer, Peter Sullivan, can answer that and <br /> he 'll have him give Mr. Rowley a call. Mr. Rowley agreed to that . <br /> 9) Mr. Baxter said he 'll change lot 4 and put it with the others . <br /> 10) Agreed t.o. <br /> Mr. Dubin continued the public hearing to May 15 as he felt there were <br /> enough major items to deal with . He asked for any comments from the <br /> audience but there were none . <br />