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Tolun of fffinslippe <br /> P10, BOX 1108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD IMITNUTES April 24, 1-985 <br /> Lli'EMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Richardson Jonas , <br /> Harold Collins <br /> n,IEIVIBERS ABSENT . D/iichele Stone <br /> TOWN PLANNER : Tom Fudala <br /> TIME: 8 : 10 PTO <br /> ,r. Dubin opened -the public hearing on rezoning an R-3 zone into an <br /> Tndustrial zone alon,-, Route 23 (see attached ) . <br /> !Mr. Dubin asked for the proponent to speak and he stepped down and fvifr, <br /> fv1arsters , vice-chairman, took over . <br /> Edward Donnelly: I 'm here representing the Wasils this evening on a <br /> request to rezone the property from R-3 to Industrial . As you can see <br /> on the map before you we 're requesting that the property that extends <br /> from R-te . 28 to Great Heay :Rd . and is in 2 - arcels , one of approximately <br /> 39 acres , -the other one slightly over 1-2 12 acres , we 're requesting <br /> the rezoning to go back to within 400' of Great Hay Rd . There is <br /> currently approximately 900 ' of frontage on Rte . 28 and 6410 ' on Great, <br /> Hay Rd . I will attempt to present 3 important reasons in favor of this <br /> zoning . That is the need for additional Industrial land in Maslipee , <br /> the suitably for the location for Industrial uses and the positive impacts <br /> of industrial uses as opposed to residential uses . At present approxi- <br /> mately 1 . 9% of all the land in 1�,Jashpee is zoned for industrial uses . <br /> This can be compared to the Barnstable County as a whole as slightly <br /> over 3% . If this property were rezoned to Industrial uses it would <br /> raise Nlashpeels percent up -to 23%, all of -the land in 11iiashpee potentially <br /> available for industrial use . Cape Cod Planning and Edonomic Develop- <br /> ment Commission did a study on that in 1982 . 1 won't attempt to make <br /> an argument about the positive impacts of industrial use on the tax <br /> base but rather consider the impact of industrial zoned land, land which <br /> in the future , but though not today, in the future will be used for <br /> industrial uses and the impacts on job creation . The ability for <br /> Plashpee residents to obtain services and uses on industrial land accord- <br /> ing -to -the 1980 census , 51% of working people in Mashpee were employed <br /> in,the types of "businesses which are allowed in the industrial use . <br /> This includes business , financial and professional offices , doctor's <br /> offices , construction or -trades as well as additional Mlashpee , <br /> uses such as manufacturing, warehouse and transportation uses . I <br /> like the rest of -the Cape is growing rapidly, its land is being used up, <br /> more people are moving to town. Vv'_'here are -these people going -to work? <br /> Where are -they going to be obtaining their services? Where are -the <br /> children going to work? As I said 1�!Iashpee currently has a very , very <br />