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Toffin of ns�pee <br /> P. 01 BOX 1108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : April 17 , 1985 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Harold Collins , <br /> Richardson Jonas , Michele Stone (9: 00) <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TOWN PLANNER : Tom Fudala (9:45) <br /> TIME : 8 : 15 PM <br /> Mr . Dubin opened the public hearing on amending Section 10 .28 of the <br /> Zoning By-Laws . He read the notice as appeared in the newspaper (see <br /> attached) . He said it was submitted by petition. Mrs . Sinkiewicz , <br /> who iniated it was not present , Mr. Dubin asked for any comments from <br /> the public on this , <br /> Mr. Fiorentini said he didn't want to speak out of turn but because he <br /> doesn't understand , if you could explain the article , it said a phrase <br /> -there "for safety reasons" . A little perplexed about this article <br /> before can make a comment . <br /> Mr . Dubin said he didn't know much about it himself. He asked Mr. Boyd , <br /> the Building Inspector, if he could explain it . <br /> Mr. Boyd : It 's apparently part of a neighborhood argument . Mr. Sullivan <br /> has a light on his gable end which shines into Mrs . Sinkiewicz 's <br /> bedroom. So Mrs . Sinkiewicz had requested Mr. Sullivan remove it and <br /> naturally Mr. Sullivan refused . Then they asked the Building Department <br /> to view the light in the evening and they found nothing offensive about <br /> the light , It 's a residential light sold for residences . It happens <br /> to be high on the gable , probably 16-18 ' off the ground and it does <br /> possibly shine in Mrs . Sinkiewicz 's bedroom . Because of the inactivity <br /> of the building department , she submitted this article herself . <br /> Mr. Fiorentini : Looking at it I would say it 's a difficult thing to <br /> really do because it would put many a light , like a post lantern halfway <br /> down on your lawn and if you can see the post lantern if it 's doing its <br /> job, from anyplace off -the property line , that means whether -the inten- <br /> sity is strong or light that 's . . . . .I think the article is worded wongly. <br /> If you have an offensive light say a big neon light or a big flood <br /> light shining like the building inspector just said in someone 's <br /> premises . . .But other than that it 's not a good item because let me tell <br /> you I 've had lights like that for over 60 years and nobody's ever <br /> complained , on a front porch light or post lantern and where I lived <br /> before the police department has always encouraged having one of your <br /> lights on either in front or back as a crime deterrent . And I think <br /> this article is doing more harm than good . <br /> Mr. Dubin asked Mr . Boyd for his opinion. <br />