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MASH FEE SEWER COMMISSION MIEETMG MINUTES <br /> WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 12, 1997 <br /> TOWN RALL <br /> Present: Dennis Bal arini, Tom Fudala <br /> Meeting convened at 7:07 p.m. <br /> Tom will be attending a meeting of the Ad Hoe Committee on decentralized waste water <br /> management on 11 13 in Ashland. He will report back to the Committee at the next meeting. <br /> Tom and Dennis discussed the presentation to the 'watershed Management Committee by Dr. <br /> Brian Howes. His report on the condition of Okway Bay will have an effect on the proposal in <br /> the master plan to move the effluent from the Mashpee Commons treatment plant down to the <br /> kway Bay area. Apparently that should not be done because Okway Bay's water quality i <br /> already threatened. Unless there is another location, possibly at the end of Mashpee Neck, <br /> where the effluent can go directly into the main part of lopponesset Bay (which has very good <br /> water quality)the other alternative of discharging at the New Seabury County Club area will <br /> have to be looked at. That is a more expensive alternative.,to pipe the effluent dory there. Tom <br /> will amend the water resources element and map to take that Okway Bay option out of <br /> consideration. <br /> The location where the sour aquatic treatment plant is proposed, at Frog Pond Close may be an <br /> alternative site because the groundwater most likely goes directly to Popponesset Bay. Tom ll <br /> look into that. <br /> Toni also mentioned that New Seabury may be under new ownership soon which could <br /> complicate the possibility of the second altemativ . <br /> Dennis made a motion to amend the waster water facilities element of the local <br /> comprehensive plan to remove the proposal to discharge effluent into the Okway Bay <br /> recharge area because of the current water quality conditions of Okway Bay. Tom <br /> seconded the motion. All members were in favor 2- * <br /> Tom has not yet prepared the RFP for a consultant to give the Commission costs associated with <br /> these proposals. <br /> Tom said because of this new information from Dr. Howes, the town should focus on the <br /> Mashpee River recharge area because of its condition. Unfortunately, a lot of the groundwater <br /> from the Forestdale of Sandwich area goes into the Mashpee liver and that area is intensely <br /> developed. <br /> NEXT SCHE ULEI MEETING: WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 16114 7 00 RM. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 7: o p.m. <br /> Minutes submitted by Arden 1 . Cadrin <br />