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AOL <br /> MASHPEE SEWER COMMISSION NM TING MESPUES <br /> TL SDAY,JULY 79199 <br /> TOWN E[ALL <br /> Present: Dennis Balzarini, John Cahalae, Torn Fudala <br /> Meeting convened a :10 p.m. <br /> MMUTES <br /> ** ohn made a motion to accept the minutes of May 13, 1998. Dennis seconded the <br /> notion. All members were in favor <br /> Torn explained to the other members that he had a discussion with Nfashpee Commons and their <br /> consultant Duncan wood. Issues that arose from that meeting were: <br /> Duncan wood will look into regulatory issues requiring people to tie into a treatment system. <br /> -Duncan wood will look at where to put a treatment plant. He will use the water District <br /> groundwater model. <br /> can you require landowners to connect to a sewer system even if their septic system has not <br /> failed. <br /> Duncan wood has sent a response. In most cases it is failure of a septic system that requires <br /> connection. He has spoken with DEP, they understand the concern of reducing nitrogen loading. <br /> Fairhaven has adopted a town bylaw requiring connection within a certain time limit,even if the <br /> septic system has not failed. Mashpee could adopt a bylaw or a Board of Health regulation <br /> requiring connection within a certain number of years. <br /> Toni thinks this is very interesting. if Mashpee develops a system to deal with Mashpee River <br /> watershed, with cooperation from the Board of Health we could require people to tie into our <br /> system. <br /> The issue is then how the costs get shared between individual owners and the town. <br /> Dens asked what their incentive would be to tie in' <br /> Torn said the cost would be shared between them and the taxpayers. <br /> Board of Health regulation has no grandfather clause. <br /> Torn suggested setting up a joint meeting with the Board of Health to see how they feel about <br /> this approach. <br /> Dennis asked if the only way for Mashpee Commons' plans to work is for the town to take over <br /> the plant` Torn said right now that is the only logical way. <br /> The pipeline defiantly has to be a town project. <br /> John asked if we can force people to go into the pipeline for disposal of effluent? <br /> Torn said with a Board of Health regulation we could. <br /> Torn gets the impression the new owners of New Seabury are not excited about bw1ding <br /> sewage treatment plant. He has not talked to them about providing a piece of land near the golf <br />