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would increase the already heavy traffic at this location, putting seniors at risk who want to use <br /> the center. <br /> Iry then turned the meeting over to the abutter residents for their comments and concerns. Bob <br /> Crowley raised the following points. <br /> Potential Threats to Residents' Quality of Life: <br /> . !Noise Factor <br /> Bob Crowley stated that he feared the quality of life for the Snead Drive residents would be <br /> seriously affected if a Senior Center is built behind the fire station. The comprehensive plan for <br /> the Town of I lashp a provides for I t. 151 to b come a four-lane road by Zoo , and Barnstable <br /> Road to become a 3-lane road- With the large number of trees that will have to be cut down to <br /> build the new senior Center, the sound buffer between these roads and Snead [give will be <br /> destroyed. He fears noise of trucks early in the morning until late at night, and the noise from <br /> construction vehicles during the building period. <br /> . Glare from Lights in Parking Lot <br /> The glare of lights from the parking area will be an annoyance after dark to nearby residents. <br /> .Increase in Traffic on fit. 151 <br /> Senior center behind the Fire Station will increase traffic flow at the intersection of Jobs Fishing <br /> Road and Rt. 151, increasing the potential for more traffic accidents. <br /> Iry responded to Bob Crowley that the purpose of this meeting was to gather the abutters' <br /> potential concerns to turn over to the architect. This Information will enable the architect to work <br /> around these problematic issues as he puts together a plot plan. We have 12 acres to word with <br /> and can place the structure where it best fits the creeds of all concerned, including the fire and <br /> police departments, and the Bogs and Girls Club. <br /> Iry extended an open invitation to the Snead fed. residents to aftend future meetings of the Senior <br /> Center Building Committee to offer ideas and assistance in the planning of the new center. The <br /> date for the next Committee meeting is 2/27/02 at Town Hell, at 1:30 PM. <br /> Next steps u <br /> 1. 2/13/02 the F FP goes out for bids. <br /> . /011 2 the F FP award will be made <br /> 3. 101/0 design completed <br /> . 10102—presentation to Town Meeting <br /> The Committee will notify Bob Crowley and Warren Fearnley when the architectural engineers <br /> have completed their proposed plan for locating the facility. Iry thanked the abutters for their <br /> attendance, and adjourned the meeting at 7-.50 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> n F <br /> Ina G. Schlo ohm <br /> Recording Secretary <br />