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S <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> February 13, 2020 <br /> In continuing their review of the FY2021 budget the Finance Committee discussed the outline of <br /> the Finance Committee Report. It was agreed that a working group would be formed consisting <br /> of Finance members Chuck Gasior and Phil McCahill to prepare graphics and compile trends to <br /> make the report more robust, visual and engaging to the Mashpee voters. <br /> The report to be disseminated to the citizens would include municipal budget appropriations <br /> from the year 2018, 2019 and 2020. Trend topics include Omnibus Budget Appropriations, the <br /> Capital Improvement budget, Cape Cod Regional Technical School assessments and the Budget <br /> Overlay. In an attempt to make the presentation more visual the pie charts or bar charts <br /> containing a breakdown of costs will show how property tax dollars are expended. It was noted <br /> that $10,000 is set aside for the printing of the report, and colored graphics would be considered. <br /> It was agreed that budgets reflecting a decrease or an increase of$50,000 would be highlighted <br /> and explained in the report in the Chairman's Letter. The Finance Committee would discuss the <br /> budget actuals with the Finance Director to ensure correctness. The Town Manager's office <br /> would also be notified of the Finance Committee's intent to modify the report. <br /> At the next Finance Committee meeting, the working group will present their findings and <br /> provide the text of graphics to be considered for the Finance Committee Report. The Finance <br /> Committee is also expected to take action on the Town Manager's Recommended Budget for <br /> FY2021. <br /> NEXT MEETINGS <br /> The upcoming meetings identify the following timeline; <br /> Thursday, February 20, 2020--6:00 p.m. <br /> Thursday, February 27, 2020--6:00 p.m. <br /> Monday, March 2, 2020—6:3 0 p.m, Joint Meeting with Board of Selectmen <br /> Thursday, March S, 2020--6:00 p.m. Continued review of the Town Meeting warrant <br /> Thursday, March 12, 2020--6:00 p.m. School Superintendent FY2021 Budget <br /> Monday, March 16, 2020—6:30 p.m. Joint Meeting with Board of Selectmen <br /> Thursday, March 19, 2020--6:00 p.m. Public Hearing on FY2021 Budget <br /> Monday, March 23, 2020- -6:30 p.m. Joint Meeting with Board of Selectmen <br /> Thursday, March 26, 2020—Finance Committee recommendations for warrant due <br />