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MV n qf Mashvee <br /> ' 16 f,r re at<rlf tc 'Road <br /> ",ram t r 7 02649 <br /> �h`At19F,t' .1Va* Sd�,pee''.A��:l�:�v'e4.�di�'8�u��?elts <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> Design Review Committee <br /> Tuesday,February 18,2020 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Design Review Committee Members Present: Charlie Maintanis, James <br /> Reiffarth, Miles Peters, and Joe Callahan. <br /> Charlie called the meeting to order at 8:34 am. <br /> Project Address: 439 Nathan Ellis Hwy. Unit 4 <br /> Business Name: Freshroll LLC <br /> Agent: Channa Chou <br /> Architect/Engineer: Vicheka Chan <br /> Request: Add a flat wall sign, Length: 128", Height: 32" and a <br /> 10" sign on the existing facing the street. <br /> Channa is the business owner and represented herself for the sign that will be <br /> situated above the front entrance. The sign is a light brown wood material and will <br /> be approximately 128"in length and 32"wide and was calculated as 28 sq. ft.There <br /> will also be a sign located on the business ladder sign on the street. <br /> The Committee wanted to know the percentage of the sign by comparing the <br /> dimensions with the size of the entire building. According to the bylaw it must be <br /> 10%, and not more than 5% of the combination of all the other signs on the entire <br /> building. The Committee wanted a picture of the sign showing the other businesses <br /> that occupy the entire building. <br /> Miles said it was his opinion that the entire area would look better as wooden panels <br /> filling the whole space, and keeping the letters the same size. The Committee <br /> discussed the color scheme and would have preferred to see the colors of the other <br /> signs on the entire building. The color of the existing panel is tan. Miles also <br /> commented that the existing lights above are hitting the edge of the sign,and should <br /> be facing toward the sign. The proportions were meant for a thinner longer sign, <br /> and leaving a little space on the top and bottom would differentiate the sign from <br /> the architectural elements of the beige brown color wrapping around the sign. He <br /> would like to see the lettering a foot beyond the lights on each side. <br /> The Committee determined that the application would require a ZBA meeting <br /> because it's over 20 sq. ft. Charlie said that the option would be to lessen the size <br /> to 19.9 sq. ft. to avoid the ZBA. Miles said that if this requires a ZBA meeting, he <br /> would fill the entire space and keep the sign within the square feet. Either fill the <br /> entire space or border the lettering. <br /> 1 <br />