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MASHPEE ENVIRONMENTAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> Mashpee Town Hall,Popponesset Meeting Room <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North,Mashpee MA 02649 <br /> December 11,2019 <br /> Present: Katelyn Cadoret,Ashley Fisher,Dale McKay,Michael Talbot,Joe Cummings, Tom <br /> Hoppensteadt,Virginia Sharfenberg Public: Mark Lawrence, Chuck Gasior,John Miller <br /> CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order 6:33PM <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr.McKay moved to approve the October 16,2019 Minutes,Mr. Talbot <br /> seconded.Vote: 7-0 Unanimous <br /> Mr.McKay moved to approve the November 13,2019 Minutes,Mr. Talbot seconded.Vote: 7-0 <br /> Unanimous <br /> COMMUNICATION& CORRESPONDENCE: Chuck Gasior from the Finance Committee No <br /> comment. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> • 2020 EOC Meeting Calendar: April&November meetings will be April I"and November 4th <br /> • Proposed Helium Balloon Ban Bylaw for May 2020 Town Meeting Tabled until January <br /> Meeting. <br /> • Polystyrene/Plastic Straw Ban Discussion in 2020: Meet with Chuck Gasior and John Miller <br /> from the Finance Committee and Mark Lawrence,owner of Polar Cave <br /> Ms. Cadoret reiterated the last meeting it was voted to scale it back to Expanded Polystyrene. John <br /> Miller and Chuck Gasior wanted to be on record that although they are members of the Finance <br /> Committee,they are not representing the Finance Committee at this meeting. The discussion opened <br /> with Mark Lawrence presenting what he has researched,regarding different types of Polystyrene and <br /> how it's disposed. Mr. McKay stated the concern isn't the disposal as much as the stuff that's <br /> discarded and ends up in the woods, etc... Mr. Gasior went into more technical detail of what <br /> different types there are and how they are processed. The group agreed to stop using the brand name <br /> "Styrofoam" and instead use the term Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). John Miller suggested to <br /> approach this as what would sell at the Town Meeting. Mr. Talbot recommended adopting the <br /> language the Town of Wellfleet used. Also mentioned that Wellfleet had a successful fair for vendors <br /> to showcase all their alternative products for businesses to use. It was suggested to hold a public <br /> forum at some point before the Town Meeting. The conversation went on to include EPS, plastics, <br /> other one time use products and better alternatives, as well as whether to try to get this at the spring <br /> Town Meeting, or wait until the fall. It ended with the group deciding to wait until the January <br /> meeting to decide when to bring it to the Town Meeting. <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br /> Mass Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program (MVP): Update Woods Hole Group is <br /> compiling information from the workshop. Once a report is created there will be a listening session for the <br /> community. <br /> Mashpee Community Garden and MCGAC/Planning and Management/Mashpee Environmental <br /> Coalition: Update Mr. Talbot said they are constructing new garden beds over the winter and spring to <br />