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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 <br /> Attorney, Rob Mills represented the Owner, Juan Marichal, and also Mr. Java who intends <br /> to run the Wigwam Pantry. Mr. Java currently operates the Shell Gas Station and <br /> convenience store on Rte. 130. Mr. Java believes this location is well suited for several <br /> reasons, such as easy access, and easy egress, and will be well received by the public. He <br /> intends to provide coffee, soft drinks, groceries, lottery, but does not intend to offer <br /> prepared foods. He intends to be open between the hours of 6:00 am to 11:00 pm in the <br /> evening, seven days a week. The area for the store is the furthest most right portion of the <br /> building and consists of 2,000 sq. ft. At the previous hearing for the appliance store,there <br /> was discussion regarding the drainage, changes to the septic, and drainage in the parking <br /> area which is an ongoing process. There is no plan for exterior changes to the building <br /> except some doors and windows that Mr. Java will be utilizing. There will be a partition <br /> wall installed of the interior between the two businesses. Mr. Mills believes the Board can <br /> determine a finding that this proposal will not substantially more detrimental than the <br /> previous use. Mr. Mills said they presented the proposal before Plan Review, and the <br /> committee made some specific inspectional service requirements prior to receiving a <br /> building permit. <br /> Chairman Furbush asked Charlie the total number of parking spaces. Mr. Mills said that <br /> the business doesn't expect any more than five vehicles at a time. The parking plan they <br /> provided only includes the convenience store area, not the entire building. <br /> Jim Reiffarth commented that the Board can refer to §174-39 of the bylaws that lists the <br /> parking space requirements. Sharon said that there are 11 spaces on the parking plan that <br /> was submitted for the retail space only. Mr. Marichal said that there are 8 parking spaces <br /> for the appliance store, and 11 spaces for the convenience store. <br /> Mr. Bonvie mentioned he had a discussion with some residents, and asked how long <br /> Zachary's has been closed, and how long does the pre-existing non-conforming use of <br /> club/bar/restaurant exist. Mr. Mills said that the club has been gone a little over one year. <br /> Charlie said that the use lasts two years. Ron asked Charlie if there is some criteria <br /> regarding a change in use. Charlie said it's considered under Section 174-17. Charlie <br /> agreed that there are plenty of parking spaces. Chairman Furbush asked Juan Marichal to <br /> provide a definitive parking plan. Charlie said that there needs to be van accessible parking <br /> spaces, and Juan will need to discuss that with him. <br /> Sharon read the Board of Health comments dated September 9, 2020 into the record, and <br /> the Conservation comments into the record dated August 31, 2020. <br /> Mr. Bonvie believes there are a lot of outstanding drainage issues that need to be rectified, <br /> and he has concerns. Bill said the Building Department is required to review these issues. <br /> Charlie said he will be involving the DPW and Board of Health to review. Sharon <br /> mentioned that she was present at the Plan Review meeting, and Catherine is well aware <br /> of the drainage issues as well as the other departments. Mr. Furbush agreed that this is <br /> definitely a Building Department concern. Charlie agreed with Mr. Furbush. <br /> 3 <br />
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