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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 9,2020 <br /> Scott Goldstein said that he would have approved the Variance if it was presented in the <br /> proper manner. <br /> Mr. Gould is concerned that there was no documentation submitted to support the Building <br /> Inspector for the house, and the Board needs to set a precedence for Variances. <br /> Sharon wanted to know why the original site plan did not have the front bump-out. <br /> Jim Reiffarth said that Mr. Mendoza would have never issued a permit without the proper <br /> documentation. <br /> George suggested that the applicant should meet with Charlie and provide him the proper <br /> information he requested so the Board can make a decision. <br /> Attorney Kirrane asked the Board if he brought Charlie the information next week, and <br /> was satisfied, would they agree the appeal would be null and void. <br /> Mr. Blaisdell suggested that the applicant meet with Charlie, and if he is satisfied you can <br /> withdraw the appeal. <br /> Mr. Kirrane said he will provide Charlie with the Plan, the yard setback, and the 1969 <br /> bylaw which shows the 25 ft. There is still a Variance request for the stairway to the water. <br /> Jonathan wanted to know when the stairs were built. Mr. Smith said 6 months ago, and he <br /> did not know that he need to go to the Zoning Board. <br /> The Board had a discussion regarding the bylaw Section 174-33 that was brought to Town <br /> Meeting,and was not removed from Zoning. Jonathan wanted to see the minutes regarding <br /> the Conservation approval for the stairs. <br /> Sharon read the Conservation comments into the record. The overall project was approved <br /> by the Conservation Commission. The entry way is minor in scope in terms of any impact <br /> next to wetland resource areas. <br /> There were no more comments from the Board or applicants. <br /> Mr.Bonvie made a motion to accept 161 Timberlane Drive,Attorney Chris Kirrane request <br /> to continue all three hearings until Wednesday, September 23, 2020. Mr. Gould second, <br /> yes, Scott Goldstein, yes, Bill Blaisdell, yes, Ron Bonvie, yes, and Jonathan Furbush, yes. <br /> All were in favor. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> Vote to approve August 26, 2020 Meeting Minutes <br /> 9 <br />