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*DRAFT#5 OCTOBER 19, 2020 ANNUAL TOW"LN1 MEETING* <br /> PLEASE NOTE THAT ARTICLE NUMBERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PRIOR TO EXECUTION <br /> Article 14 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 174-27.2 of the Mashpee Zoning Bylaws (Stormwater <br /> Management) as follows: <br /> A. For any new residential or non-residential development or redevelopment requiring either <br /> subdivision approval, a Special Permit, plan review under the provisions of§174-24.B., or a Building <br /> Permit for a building over one thousand 41000') square feet in area a system of stormwater <br /> management and artificial recharge of precipitation shall be required which is designed to achieve <br /> the following purposes: prevent untreated discharges to wetlands and surface waters, preserve <br /> hydrologic conditions that closely resemble pre-development conditions, reduce or prevent <br /> flooding by managing the peak discharges and volumes of runoff, minimize erosion and <br /> sedimentation, not result in significant degradation of groundwater, reduce suspended solids, <br /> nitrogen, phosphorous, volatile organics and other pollutants to improve water quality, and <br /> provide increased protection of sensitive natural resources,and encourage stormwater Low Impact <br /> Development (LID) planning and development strategies to the extent feasible. <br /> B. These standards may be met using the following or similar best management practices: <br /> 1. For compliance with the Performance Standards of this By-Law, the design of treatment and <br /> infiltration practices must meet the current Massachusetts Department of Environmental <br /> Protection's Stormwater Management Standards and document compliance based on the <br /> Stormwater Handbook as amended, or other federally or State approved BMP design guidance. <br /> Projects must also comply with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Requirements <br /> of the current Small MS4 General Permit, whichever is more stringent, using appropriate <br /> Stormwater Best Management Practices <br /> 2. For new single or two-family residences, recharge shall be attained through site design that <br /> incorporates natural drainage patterns and vegetation in order to maintain pre-development <br /> stormwater patterns and water quality to the greatest extent possible. Stormwater runoff from <br /> rooftops, driveways and other impervious surfaces shall be routed through vegetated water <br /> quality swales, as sheet flow over lawn areas or to constructed stormwater wetlands, sand <br /> filters., organic filters and/or similar systems capable of removing nitrogen and phosphorous <br /> from stormwater. <br /> 3. For new subdivision roadways or for lots occupied or proposed to be occupied by uses other <br /> than single or two-family homes, a stormwater management plan which; <br /> (a) utilizes site planning and building techniques including LID planning and development <br /> strategies, such as minimizing impervious surfaces and disturbance of existing natural areas, <br /> pervious reserve or overflow parking areas, multi-level buildings, parking structures, "green <br /> roofs"and storage and re-use of roof runoff,to minimize runoff volumes and the level treatment <br /> required to reduce contaminants, <br /> (b) minimizes erosion and runoff from disturbed areas during construction and <br /> (c) provides for the following: <br /> 7 <br />